A Fresh New Start

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Daniel's Point of view:
I walked into the entrance of  my new school thinking in my mind what will this new school be like with my new body? Before in school  with my original body it was absolutely hell, so fucking TERRIBLE. I mean who would like to be forced to imitate Pikachu and do other types of shit like that. I'm hoping what I felt like in my old school will never be like that again. But it was weird, because with this new body I'm still impressed about how chiseled and muscular it is but I'm still insecure some how. It's strange I want to be happy but the bad feelings never go away. Thinking about those words made me sad. I really hope this new school is not like my old one.

Jays P.O.V
I Headed to class early like I always do and sat in my normal seat, looking out the window for something that would excite my creative mind. But all I could think about was what my Mom and Dad said to me this morning. Their words haunting me.

Flashback to this morning in jays head

"Listen son, your mom and I can't run our empire for ever, but you know the requirements for running the company " said Mr.Hong

(In jays head) I know the requirements they have been repeated to me over 10 millions times, he then made a face of a -I-know-I-know-.

Mrs.Hong said "well why don't you find someone to run the company with already, it has been a family business for so long all we are waiting for is for you to get a partner so we can hand the family business off to you"

It's not that easy jay said in his head.

Mrs.Hong said, " I know it's hard since your not out of school yet but I know you will find a partner who is also a business partner but just try please."

Suddenly a morning bell interrupted Jays thoughts.

"Good morning class!"exclaimed the teacher, today I would like to introduce a new transfer student named Daniel Park.

Daniel P.O.V
"Hello my name is Daniel" I said blushing and embarrassed while looking down at the floor. Once I was finished introducing my self the teacher said "You may sit over there next to Zack, the student wearing the adidas shirt.I then said thanks and move towards my seat as I quickly scanned the room. I noticed so many people but I first noticed a strange good looking guy looking out the window with a smirk on his face, but I was scared to know what he was thinking about.

Jays P.O.V
Yum. Damn he lookin fine as hell. Um wait sry slow down mind. I don't even know this kid, also if he is gay or not. But wow I have never seen anyone as attractive as that. I wonder if he transferred schools to model at big high end company. I wonder what's his back story. He must be from a family full of models. Is he a model? Maybe I can ask him to model...for me? I MEAN MY COMPANY hahahha...dirty thoughts go away. His eyes are so gorgeous but when he was introducing him self and he blushed. Omg. A smirk spread across my face wondering what how fun this school year is going to be with him.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 01, 2018 ⏰

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Lookism: jay+Daniel/ business and beginningsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ