Chapter 1

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Lily's POV

"LILY," my sister petunia roared from down stairs, "BREAKFAST IS READY."

I flop out of my bed and onto the cold bedroom floor. I lay there for a while groaning. I had been up last night studying my magic books. Wait, magic books? My eyes flew open and darted across my room until they found my calendar. Yes! Today was the day I would be I would be going back Hogwarts for my 7th year. I was suddenly wide awake. I flew down steps and into the kitchen.

"So the freak is awake," drawls Petunia, "so you are going back to that freak school? Are you Lily? To see your freak friends and attend your FREAK classes and..."

I had enough. All summer I had put up with her calling me a freak and an outcast and much more. "I AM NOT A FREAK!" I shouted "AND NEITHER ARE MY FRIENDS NOR MY CLASSES!" And with that I grabbed the bowl of pancake batter out of her hands and dumped it over her head.


I quickly ran upstairs, a giddy smile on my face. I couldn't wait to tell Severus what I had done. He will be so happy knowing that I had finally stood up to Petunia. Me and Sev had so much to catch up on, I hadn't seen him almost all summer. Which was very unusual seeing that we were best friends. I pushed the thought about all the excitement that lay ahead!

Two and a half hours later I was waving goodbye to my parents as I enter platform 9 3/4. I stood up on tip toes and craned my neck to look for Severus. I spotted him hanging around the Slytherins.

"Sev" I shouted as I ran towards him. "Severus" I said as I reached him. He had his back turned towards me so I placed my hands on his shoulders. "Sev" I whispered.

He turned around and as soon as he saw it was me his face froze and he looked almost terrified to see me. He turned and glanced at Lucius he gave a small nod and Severus fixed his eyes on the ground and said in a barely audible whisper, "Go away you filthy mudblood."

[Hey guys I'm a HUGE Harry potter fan and I'm really excited for this story. I hope you like it. Vote, comment, share. Love, Sammyg0626]

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