Chapter 7

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James's POV

"Did you SEE the look on his face!?" Shrieks Lily, collapsing down on the couch in the Griffindor common room.

After Severus had stormed out of the dungeons,the class was a complete riot. Lily, Sirius, Remus and I were practically heroes amongst our fellow Griffindors. Everyone was giving us high fives and congratulatory slaps on the back. The Slytherins though were all huddled in a group shooting us embarrassed glares.

After Sirius's Poly Juice had worn off, we went to retrieve the real Professor Slughorn from the broom cabinet we had hide him in. We used a sleeping charm on him, so when he woke up, he didn't remember a thing about what we did. And now we were back in the Griffindor common room still laughing our butts off.

"He didn't - even - realize his - trousers - were - gone at first!" Choked Sirius between laughter. This set us off into another round of crazy laughter.

"Well Lily, how does revenge feel?" I ask sitting down on the sofa beside her.

"It feels.....SWEET!" She replies, smiling the smile I loved so much.

"Guys, I think I have to go." Says Remus, glancing outside at the full moon.

"What, where do you have to go?" Asks a confused Lily.

I glance at Remus, he gives me a nod that means, "go ahead and tell her." So I told Lily all about Remus's "furry little problem" as we called it. Lily didn't act at all surprised or shocked by it. That's one of the reasons I loved her so much. She was calm, compassionate and not at all judgmental.

"Well I guess we better get going then." Says Remus nervously gesturing towards the door. He gets a bit glittery on full moons, especially right before dusk, in fear he will transform before we reach the Shrieking Shack.

"Remus, you may head out to the shrieking shack," says a voice coming from the doorway of the common room. I turn around to see Professor Mcgonagall! "You three," she says, flicking her hand towards Sirius, Lily and I, "Will accompany me up to Professor Dumbledore's study."

Lily's POV

"The use of Polyjuice potion, hiding a professor in a broom cabinet, deliberately ruining a students potion, and purposely humiliating a classmate! It's terrible, but yet genius!" Says Professor Dumbledore, while pacing behind his desk.

"W-wh-what?" I stutter. I had to be hearing wrong. Why would he call our plan genius?

"I said, Miss Evans, that you're prank was a pure stroke of genius!" He replied with his usual jolly smile. I had never seen James at a loss for words, but he seemed to be now, gawking up at Dumbledore with his mouth wide open."Now tell me, tell me," says Dumbledore, glancing around at Sirius, James and I, "who is the master mind?"

"It was all James's idea," Sirius says, nudging him with his elbow.

"Well done Potter, well done!" Says Dumbledore clapping. "You know, never in my day, have I seen a muggle born ever stand up to anyone who called them mudblood. I have to say Lily, I am proud."

"Thank you sir." I reply shyly. "So we aren't in any trouble at all?" Sirius asks.

"Not at all, the only ones getting in any sort of trouble, will be Severus and Lucius, for use of disgusting, foul language." Says Dumbledore. "Now, hurry along," he says waving his hand towards the door, "I take it you have some news to share with another friend."

And with that, we stand up and leave his office. As soon as we are out in the deserted corridors, we break down laughing. "Well that went well!" Snickers James.

"Better than well, Severus and Lucius are gonna get in trouble!" Says Sirius. When we arrive back at the Griffindor common room, James plops right down on the couch.

"What a day!" He mumbles rubbing his eyes. I sit down on the couch and move close to him. I wrap my arms around his neck and rest my head on his chest. I hear his heart beat quicken. He wraps one of his arms around my waist.

"Well.... I'll leave you two alone." Says Sirius with a mischievous grin. And So James and I fell asleep together in the Griffindor common room.

(Hope you are liking it so far! Thoughts, and suggestions below! Don't forget to read my other book Ally Dawson's Secret! Enjoy! Share, comment, vote! Love, Sammyg0626!!!)

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