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Tour is all fun in games until someone gets hurt especially the one you love 😰💔

3rd person p.o.v.
Carlos was sleeping and Juliet got up and got ready Carlos got up  and got ready as well later that night everyone wanted to play spin the bottle but with a twist

If the bottle lands on you kissed the person across from from you then you have to do a scary spirit thing Like
Ouija board or Bloody Mary all that other stuff 

So the bottle landed on Juliet she had to kiss gio so she did then she did Bloody Mary all by herself in the bathroom as soon she saids her name 3x she screams
Carlos and everyone runs in and saw blood that said Bloody Mary and they saw Juliet laying there with blood they clean her up and she wasn't feeling well everyone was so scared they stop playing Carlos was worried about Juliet he stayed up with her and even Alex was worried everyone was at his point Juliet face was pale her eye had bags and also it has black Mark on it she wasn't the happiest after 1 week after the incident
She got enough of this she told Carlos why would you make this dumb game

Carlos why would you make this dumb game it went way to far and I'm scared what if this sport thing follows me everywhere we have summon the devil oh no the dead Carlos this all your fault I knew I shouldn't have gone in your this is the worst day EVERRRR

Back to 3rd pets on p.o.v
Carlos knew he had messed up but he didn't know it was this really bad he know his gf wasn't the happiest rn but he"ll try everything to make her fell better but she avoid him and ignore him

Carlos: babe I'm so sorry I love you  

Juliet turn around and hugged him

It's ok that's all I wanted to hear she saids happily

Carlos: thanks

But that wasn't the case yet more stuff happens to the whole tour members that will crack the code of what he title means of the story

Love and hate relationship  / Carlos menaWhere stories live. Discover now