RP Rules

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Some rules for the anons and role plays

1. Don't get mad if I don't reply back fast or something. I've gotten busy lately

2. Only 1 role play per account. So only one of my anons can date one from yours.

3. If you don't reply within a week you out f the relationship unless you tell me why you're gone

4. I'm new at role playing guys and bisexual people so just bear with me please.

5. No flirting with Taken Anons

6. First person is preferred but I'll do a few third person.

7. If my anon break-up with you please don't be a drama queen/king about it

8. I do have a few bi peoples so if you don't like bxb or gxg might as well leave

That's all for now. I'll add some along the way

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