Chapter 3 - This

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i'm eased awake by a pitter patter beat i've grown accustomed to from living in the dreary atmosphere of Accrington that followed me to the home base in London we've been residing in for the past few months. as my senses sharpen over the next few seconds, i remember the events of the previous night and can't help but smile as i turn my head to face the sleepy boy next to me. in the night we somehow ended up entangled in each other, limbs linked and swung over abdomens as to not risk an inch of separation, almost making it seem impossible to distinguish where either of us began or ended. i quickly lift my head up a bit to read the time on the clock on the nightstand, 10:21, before laying back down and drawing G closer to myself, if that was even possible, and placing a few soft kisses against his forehead, completely enveloped in the warmth and serenity that this moment held.

i passed some time by scrolling through my phone and catching up with some of the fans online before i felt the head resting on my chest begin to move and looked down to see my favorite blue eyes flutter open. G slowly rolled off and away from me and quickly stretched before returning to his position curled up upon myself.

"morning" he softly spoke, his voice deep and gravely from not being used in so many hours causing my breath to hitch and him to chuckle against my chest.

"morning love," i reply in a whisper as i nudge his head with my chin to get him to look up towards me. as he does, i graze my lips over his making him smile before pressing his own lips firmly against mine and i feel like nothing else exists except for him and i, and i realize that i've never felt happier or safer than i do right now.

we've pulled back from our kiss but are barely inches apart, so i lean back in and bring my hand from around G's back up to his neck and gently pull him closer and closer until i eventually drag him up and over me so he's straddling me. his hands are on my cheeks, dragging through my hair, and he hums softly into the kiss before teasingly tracing my bottom lip with his tongue and sliding himself down my torso until his hips are rolling against mine and i was involuntarily moaning his name. my head fell back against my pillow as George's lips traveled down my neck, pausing at my collarbone to form a bruise, and across my chest making my breath hitch and my hands to reach for the sheets under mine. just as his lips grazed the skin above the waistband of my boxers, a voice pierced through the atmosphere and reminded us that we were not alone.

"George, Reece, breakfast is ready," Kris called out from the kitchen, causing George's lips to part from skin and both us to groan at the disruption of our blissful morning. However, food being the reason made it easily forgivable as we both got up to get dressed, G grabbing a pair of sweatpants that had been tossed on the ground the night prior as i reached for an old pair of shorts and pulled G's grey, nike hoodie over my head. We headed out of our room and made our way to the kitchen bar where a stack of pancakes were sitting waiting to be eaten while Blake and Krissy danced and sang along in front of the stove to a morning playlist we had all made for days like these.

However, before G or i had the chance to make a plate or even think about eating, the music was turned down and we were met with two intense stares from our best friends (and Kris holding a spatula like she was ready to attack if need be). before i could comprehend why they were acting so strange, or reach for any food, G grabbed me around the waist and twisted my body to face him before leaning down and capturing my lips with his. as soon as he did so, a loud scream and cheer erupted from Blake and Krissy and we were instantly trapped in giant group hug. at this point we were all a mess of laughs and smiles until everyone finally separated and sat down at the barstools to eat. once doing so, George and i decided it was only fair to explain things about the night before given the fact that Blake and Kris had helped us get together in the first place. there was a lot to talk about anyways, especially future choices.

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