001. "Why are you avoiding them?"

226 7 5

March 17, 1985
Hawkins, Indiana

[Third-person POV]

"Max! Max, do you copy? It's Dustin! Over," The boy's voice came in cracked and static through Max's supercomm radio that sat upon her dresser drawers.

Max quickly grabbed the radio, eager to hear what the boy had to say. She laid on her bad, staring up at her yellowed popcorn ceiling, and replied,

"Yeah, I copy. What's happening? Over."

"Come outside, we're about to head to the arcade. Over," Dustin told her with excitement evident in his voice. She could just imagine him quickly pedaling down Old Cherry Lane, giving a toothy grin while speaking into his radio.

Her thoughts were interrupted again by Dustin.

"Max? You still there? Over," He said slightly louder.

"Yeah, I'm still here. Is Mike gonna be there?" She questioned. "More importantly, is El? Over."

She paced around her small bedroom, hoping he would say "No." She waited and waited for what seemed like an eternity.

Dustin procrastinated giving his answer. He was either thinking really hard or making up an excuse, though it was most likely the latter. Despite Max's ambitions, Dustin proved her wrong.

"No, actually. Neither of them will be there. They decided to stay home and watch television or some other relationship shit," He said in an annoyed tone.

"Okay, okay! Calm your horses. I'll be outside in 5," the fiery redhead countered before setting the supercomm back on her dresser drawers. Leaning over the side of her bed, Max grabbed her red sneakers and shoved them onto her feet. Standing up, she pulled a brush through her wavy red hair and fixed her jeans. She grabbed her skateboard off the end of her bed and headed out.

"And just where do you think you're going?"

"Get out of my way, Billy. And what do you care?"

"I don't. But if I let you go wandering all around town like you did last year, it'll be trouble for us both. So where are you going?" He finished softly, putting long pauses between each word.

"I'm just going to the arcade, alright? That's all. Now please, get out of my way," Max finished and pushed past him. She hurriedly opened her front door and stepped out into the frigid spring air. It had been strangely cold recently; usually temperatures were higher by this time of year.

"Max!" A distant but familiar voice called. Puzzled, she stepped farther into the street, craning to see who was calling out for her.

Seconds later, a certain curly haired boy skidded to a halt directly in front of her.

"Max, hop on!" Dustin smiled as he patted the seat on his bike.

"Oh, um... I was actually just gonna skate," She said while holding up her skateboard.

Dustin just shook his head. "Nope. Not in these temperatures. Get on," He said more firmly. Max groaned and sat down on the seat, putting the board in-between Dustin and herself. She decided it would be better to just listen to him instead of arguing. Plus, he was right; the recent temperatures were insanely low, she'd be half frozen by the time she reached the arcade.

"Next stop: Palace Arcade!" Dustin exclaimed as he began to pedal away from Max's house. She giggled and watched the trees pass by. It was a short ride, considering Dustin took every possible shortcut, but it gave her enough time to think to herself.

Max was snapped out of her thoughts by the soft voice of Will, who had just stood his bike up next to Dustin's.

"Hey Max," Will smiled, "How are you?"

❦ Madwheeler trilogy ❦ [untitled]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt