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concert day...

sana, momo, jackson oppa, and mark oppa did their stunts as the music ended, and everyone cheered. i smiled brightly as i watched everyone cheer for us. we all bowed down to the fans and walked backstage.

"great jobs, kids! you did great!" PDnim said as all of us cheered and bowed down.

"nayeon-ie!" i heard someone call me out. it was jinyoung oppa.

"yes, oppa?"

"i want you to meet my parents." he said as i stood up.


"i have to introduce my girlfriend to my parents, right? i'm kidding. sinve your one of my closest friends." i walked with him to somewhere still in backstage.

"eomma! appa! this is my friend, im nayeon." he said as i bowed down.


"this is my dad, park jang-hoon, and my mom, park inhyung."

[ i have no idea what his parents names are so i just put random names ]

"you're a very pretty young lady!" his mom said.

"ah, thank you!" i bowed down again.

"please take care of jinyoung well." his mom added as i nodded. 

after a while, we heard our names beinf called.

"ah, we have go now. bye, eomma. bye, appa." jinyoung oppa hugged each of them as i waved to them and went to where the others were.

"i have s surprise for you guys. it's a bit far away, but we'll make it in time." PDnim added as all of us started to think about the surprise.

"meet me outside." he left the room and all of us stayed there catching our breath.

"you did great, noona!" bambam said as he sat next to me.

"why are you complimenting me all of the sudden?"

"we're friends, right? i'm just being a good friend!" he pouted as i ruffled his hair.

"thank you, bambam. you did good, too." i smiled and showed my bunny teeth.

"kunpimook, let's go!" jackson oppa yelled

"seriuosly, hyung! stop calling me 'kunpimook'!" he said as he followed his bandmates out the door.

"we gotta get going, too. come on, guys!" jihyo said as everyone followed her outside.

we left the room and saw PDnim and got7 waiting for us.

"get into your vans. we'll arriving at surprise in a while." we all followed and all of us got into our vans.

"so, the surprise is a place. maybe it's a jokbal restaurant! i hope." momo said.

"i think it's gonna be a restaurant." sana said as everyone agreed.

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