Day two

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Hi again, if you are reading this still you might be crazy my life is not that entertaining. But here you go if you are still reading.

I arrived at school right on time getting to my first period English class with Mrs. Truler. I sat down between Tammy and Trevor who both looked as tired as I felt. Mrs. Truler is an open woman she loves ligature and making the class write weekly this week's assignment was to write about someone who is not a friend but you see almost every day, make them seem exciting as you can, and one full page. I sat in class with my pen in my hand. Here is something you need to know about me. Yes, I write but I can't write if I have no inspiration or anything clicks in my mind. I sit there looking around wait for the click when in comes always late Jake, and I thought why is he always late... I put my pen to the paper and start to right.

Ava Rinald

Mrs. Truler

first period English

23 August

Always Late Jake

As he arrived at school he looked around the campus thinking please nothing happen he was about to turn a corner when a warlock came out of the shadows brandishing a knife. Jake looked at his watch and thought maybe if I leave earlier I can make it on time for once. He flinched his hand up and the warlock went flying back against the wall. "Why do your kind always think you can just come at me with a knife? Haven't you all learned that yet?" he said with his one hand still up holding the warlock with his telepathy. He was about to retrieve the knife when he heard something behind him he quickly turned to see another warlock just like the other. "Astroprogection. Cool trick" he said as he flinched the warlock back away from him.

"We will get you one day." The warlock said as he vanished.

Jake looked at his watch, and of course, he is going to be late again. "I swear father if you do not stop sending your troupes after me?" he said as he started to walk up the hill to school.  As he walks into the room glad that he had cast a spell on all his teachers and class mates to make them all think that he had arrived on time.  All but one that he had noticed a tall, brown hair and brown eyed girl named Ava.  He always watched how she would glare at him.  He would watch her too.  Why didn't the spell work on her?  he always thought.  Today was the day he was going to confront her about that.  He just watched as she started to write her paper he pulled out his notebook to start on what ever the assignment was.  Not being much of a writer he just started to write about a random person he had met the other day, looking up every now and again to watch how her pen scribbled across her paper she looked so intent on her work.  Can she be evil?  Or does she even know that she is not effected?

When the bell ringed she turned in her paper and he just put his paper back in his bag.  He quickly left the room to be standing by the door to ask her.   She was always the last one out of the room.  When she stepped out he walked beside her with a gimp for his one leg never healed right after the attack last year, "Hey, Ava, I have a question for you?"

"What is it?"  She said still walking to her next class which they also shared.

He didn't know how to ask her so he just asked the first thing that came to his mind.  "Why do you always glare at me at the beginning of class?"

"Because you are always late!"  She snapped at him.  That is when a warlock popped up behind her Jake seeing him put his arm up to stop the warlock's advances.  Ava turned to see what Jake was looking at and he waved his hand to knock her out of the way but it didn't work she didn't move to his power. 

"Got you now!"  The warlock hissed grabbing for Ava.  Jake ran into the warlock got the knife away from him and stabbed it into the warlock's chest.  He gave out a week puff of air and flamed away.  He turned to Ava.  She stood there shocked.

"Let what happen become but a dream as I cause the girl to unsee what has just been seen,"  he whispered as he walked up to her.  She still looked at him scared and he got his answer she is...

"Papers please,"  Mrs. Truler asked making me jump I was so lost in the story I had forgotten that I was still in class I thought that I had left and Jake was with me.  Writing has always been my escape and will continue to be.  I looked down at the page and a half I had scribbled on, it was long enough to turn in but I really wanted to complete it.  I put Please return at the top so hopefully, I will get it back.  I gathered my things then turned the paper into the teacher.  I looked over at Jake as he limped up to hand his paper in too. He looked at me as if he wanted to ask me something I just glared at him.  I do not like how none of the teachers ever want to talk to him about his lateness.  I just grabbed my bag then left to my next class.  Even though I left after Jake, he still arrived late.  I really do not like him for that.  I know it should not bother me that much but it does he thinks just because he walks with a limp that he gets special treatment.  He shouldn't.  I just bit my lip and listened to the teacher.  

At the break, we were all wondering how we were all going to go to the lake for Trevor's birthday.

"My mom's got a van,"  Kim said.

"I have my driver's license will your mom mind if I drive?"  I said.

"My mom doesn't care.  so next weekend we all pile into my mom's van and have fun at the lake," Kim said.

I'm not going to bore you again with idol talk I left to my next class Chemistry with Mr. Lambert I wanted to be there early because he chooses his TAs and I really want to be his next year.  He is a fun teacher and I would love to learn more from him. 

And again the rest of the day was a bore I drove home and did homework ate dinner pork chops with green beans and beans.  If you are still reading I still think you are nuts but thanks anyways.  Don't know what tomorrow will bring.  Probably just another boring day.

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