Chapter 3: Back To Before

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I wake up, the side of my head hurting worse than ever, and sit up. "What the hell happened?" I say to myself, trying to focus my blurred eyes on anything in the room. Where am I? I look around and try to find anything that can help me locate where I am, but no matter where I look I nothing seems familiar, aside from the mask that was obviously there. The walls are dirty, the previously white paint peeling off, which suggests I'm somewhere abandoned. There's a door with a note attached to it. I immediately snap to my senses when I see it. It looked like one of Alex's drawings but..different. I try to get up but fail as I fall back to the floor, my legs not being fully awake yet. I lean against the wall and pull myself up, surprised that it didn't crumble into dust the second I touched it. I step forwards and walk carefully to the door and note. I rip it off and read it. 

"I did warn you, Tim. I just wanted to help" I read aloud. Brian wrote this. I recognise the handwriting. I turn it over and drop it when I see the symbol I have come to hate, falling to the floor with it as a wave of pain hits me. I grab my head as the room starts to spin. I lean on my knees as I search through my pockets to find the bottle of pills that had saved me so many times, but they're not there. I know for a fact I had some on me since I grabbed them when I left the car. And I heard them when I dived for- Brian. He did this. He took them. He took them like he did before. He was trying to kill me. He wants me dead! he-. I start coughing, making the pain in my head even worse. I fall forwards, catching myself with my hands. The coughing keeps getting worse as I start to taste blood. I see the crimson liquid drip out of my mouth and onto the floor below. I start to get weaker as the sound of static fills the air and my sight. I muster enough strength to look up and see that thing there. The thing that had haunted my dreams and waking hours for my whole life. The thing that got me into that-, no, this asylum. That's where I am. The same asylum I would escape from as a kid. Where I would run from this very creature. My arms can't support me anymore and hit the concrete floor, sending me into a seizure. 

After it passes, I move my fingers and hands to make sure I was in control of my body. It felt like I had just been thrown off a cliff. All my muscles hurt and I was dead tired. I move my arm to push myself up a bit, leaning on my other elbow to give me some support. I blink a few times and sit up. I hadn't has a seizure in ages. I lean against the wall but fall back onto the ground.  I just tried to lean on an open door. What the hell was wrong with me? I use the door frame to bring myself back onto my feet and, with the help of the walls, walked to the entrance. I feel the pain on my muscles easing up and i'm able to walk without the wall again. I look at the forest in front of me. Did Brian seriously drag me all the way here? Well, looks like i'm not going to magically leave, does it.

(Warning: Suicidal thoughts in paragraph)  I take a few steps towards the trees and look around. The asylum lead straight into the forest. The trail isn't there, why would it be? And I don't know where the fuck I'm going. This is so fun. I sigh. Why do I have to be so sarcastic? I look into the forest and start walking. Why did I think coming back would be ok? Of course it was a trap! Why didn't I notice in the car? I look behind me. "Damn it, I'm getting seriously paranoid. No camera though, so i'm doing better than Jay was. He couldn't stop filming himself. But..I guess it's good because..people knew it was murder." I felt my chest get a bit tight as I say this. "What if I got killed? They'd find my body and not know what the fuck happened to me. Then again, i'm probably wanted for murder at this point. Maybe me not being here is for the best... It would be. Everyone would be better off without me. Everyone would've been better off without me. Jay, Alex, Brian..." I mutter. Wait. Was I seriously thinking about suicide? How the fuck did it get this bad? I know i'm not right in the head but fuck! I'm turning into Alex. He wanted to kill everyone, and then himself, to stop the spread of this disease I started. And now I'm thinking of offing myself? What the fuck is wrong with me? I look around. I hit myself to get back to now and realise that haven't been paying attention to where I was going and ended up getting lost. That's fantastic. Just fantastic. 

I keep walking, going deeper into the forest until I come across a house. More specifically, the house Jay explored and first encountered the mask...and ended up getting attacked..."I can't believe I attacked him. I know why I punched him before, because he was showing my personal life on the internet and lying to me so he could try to figure out this stupid mystery Alex made. Not to mention stealing my medical records and showing the whole world. Because that's what friends do. They lie to you and then end up stabbing you in the back." I say to myself, getting closer to the house. "Then again, that's what I did with Alex. I lied to him and then literally stabbed him in the back. Then in the throat. I killed him mercilessly." I answer. I look at the back door Jay used to get in. It was still unlocked. I go in and climb over the upturned sofa blocking the only entrance and exit I have aside from breaking a window. I look around, feeling a bad kind of nostalgia of this place. When I had first watched those entries I was thinking of how stupid Jay was by coming back here. But now, I find myself doing exactly the same. Going back to places that I shouldn't go back to. 

I should've brought the camera. It would've been funny to see how many people would be typing for me not to go back to that forest. Not to come back here. Not to trust Brian. But who listens to others, huh? Not Jay. Not Alex. Not me. I keep looking around, looking at the notes scattering the floor and walls. This place looks worse than ever before. I hear noise in another room and freeze. Did Brian follow me? It was likely. He always followed someone. I walk over to the door and listen. I hear the sound of things being moved around. It wasn't Brian. He wasn't that stupid. Maybe it was a random homeless person, taking shelter in the ruins of an old house. The he spoke. "There has to be a reason I was brought here. There's got to be something I missed" He says. It was Jay.

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