Day 14

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Hey guys, I'm using a computer for my other books for now on. Just so you all would know :) for anyone who reads this anyways. Well I have like 6 minutes left on using it for this session at the libary, but I plan on getting another guest past so I can do it longer. Yeah that's basically it. Welp I honestly don't know what to say. All I know is that my writing/rping with friends are getting better. So yeah.... Welp less then 4 minutes now... I'll be back in a secound. 

Okay back, I have about an hour before I'll need a new one, lol. But I should be done with this by then. Anyways, I guess today topic is about music. 


You are so talented. And for the ones that LOVE music, go follow you're dreams if you want to be a singer, go follow you're dream. If you want to be part of a band, go follow you're dream. Learn from mistakes and learn from others before you. 

I watched this one YouTuber and she hasn't sing in years, but she had created a song and it sounded AMAZIING! I'm not even joking, it's on Spotify and ITunes for download. You could also find it on YouTube. The song is called, "Tell Me I Cant." By Michelle Khare. She is amazing singer and she has only one song and it's just amazing.

So don't let anyone tell you that you can't do it, because so many people have done it. And if you put you're mind to it, anything is possible. Even if it doesn't seem like it is, it is.

And I personally love singing and that, and I have people that tell me that I can never become a singer, but I'm working hard at the process, I'm currently writing a song and I plan on putting it the piano and singing it for the "All School Share" at my school.

 Anyways... I better get going and don't let people drag you down. 

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