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You knew it had to come. No badger one either.

Hufflepuffs of the house: me, PhoenixZside, ZoeBear0, SavannahBailey4, IllyannaWhite9

Hufflepuff is seen as the 'leftovers' house, for those who don't fit into the our houses. NOT TRUE!

Hufflepuffs are the nicest house and are called weak. No. Tonks was a Hufflepuff. You know, Lupins wife. Cedric wasn't weak either. Nor was anyone else.

Just like the house animal, the badger, Hufflepuffs are nice until messed with. And yes, we will lie even though one of our house values is honest.

We do whats right. Not for the fame, glory, or money. We do if your the greater good of the world.

So there you go. Be proud to be in the house of the badgers. I know I am. And just like JK's daughter said, "We should all want to be Hufflepuffs."

Tell me if your a Hufflepuff in the comments below.

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