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  • Dedicated to Ashlyn Lee-Miller

(every chapter will have a video attached)


All I remember is falling.

"Alex? Alex! Wake up! Alex, I need you." I think I hear Brent saying these things. I always liked Brent. Just thinking about his perfect jaw line and his soft brown eyes. Thee dark brown floppy hair falling over his eyes could make a girl melt. His toned abs are to make a girl die for. No wonder that he is the hottest guy in school. But the thing is that he isn't like the other football players. He is smart, funny and he has more than two feelings ( hungry and horny). He has all of them. I honestly think that I am in love with him.


I wake up in a hospital. "What?" Brent says as he shoots up out of his chair. "Brent!" He immediately  comes over and tries to hug me, but he trips over a cord. "Gaah!" He says as he falls. When he does fall, he lands on me. " Oh my gosh, I'm sorry Alex." But the thing is, he didn't get up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2014 ⏰

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