Chapter 6: Another Lightning Of Pain

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IN ONE OF the conversations, he asked me questions. For the first time in all the conversation we got into: "Have you ever been to the U.S.?" and "Would you like to go there?" When a boy asks you questions, it means he at Lear likes you as a friend. He said he found interesting. But I thought he was great the way he was: Shy, loyal, open-minded, smart, and humorous. I thought he was just great and nothing more and nothing less. I thought that he had a beautiful smile too.

     The next day, my great grandmother passed seats in Jamaica. So my parents had to take me and my sister out of school for three weeks to fly to Jamaica to attend her funeral. I missed Juan so badly, that I was so happy when I got back home to Canada. But knowing that my great grandmother passed away when I only got to see her twice in my entire life, and that she was gone and she was never coming back. I miss her so much.


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