Good morning💛☀️🌈

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Shane POV

I woke up with a heavy feeling on my chests I looked down and it was joeys head. I smiled and kissed his hair and removed him gently. I put some pj's on and when to Mason's room. He was up looking at tv in his bed.

Shane:Good morning bud,Why are you up so early?

Mason:I don't know I just woke up then I started to watch tv because I wanted to watch sponge bob.

Shane:okay...well do you wanna go down stairs and eat something?


Shane:alright come on and be very quiet joey's sleeping.

Mason:you and Joey had a sleep over?!?

Shane:Yea the best sleep over ever


Shane:shhh you have to be quiet he's sleeping.

Mason: oh sorry

Shane:it's okay come on

Mason got up and put on his minion slippers that matched his pajamas and followed me down the stairs.

Shane:okay what do you want for breakfast?

Mason:Ummmmm.....oh! Can I have cereal and yogurt?

Shane:weird combo but sure weirdo

Mason:I'm not a weirdo your a weirdo.
Mason said laughing.

Shane:am not!!

Mason:yes you are!!

Shane:no you are!!

Joey POV

I wake up in Shane's bed and I hear Mason and Shane in the kitchen. I put Shane's oversized shirt on and his basketball shorts. I walked into the kitchen and stood in the door way looking at them arguing about who's the weirdo. I smile.

Joey:You both are weirdo's
I say while laughing

Joey:Good morning to you
I said and kiss mason's temple
Joey:And...Good morning to you sir

Shane:mmm Good morning
He gives me a kiss.

Mason:Eww nasty I think I'm gonna puke

Shane:and why is that mister?

Mason:because y'all kissed.kissing gives you coodie's

Shane shook his head and laughed. I laughed.

Shane:today is a busy day of us.


Shane: Because we have to sigh you up for a school and a get babysitter and lot more

Mason:Can joey come along with us?

Shane: only if he wants to.

Mason: Can you come with us joey please?

Joey: sure but I'm going to go home and get ready and I will come back here and then we can go is that okay with you?

Shane: yea that's cool that gives me time to get this monster ready and myself so that's good.

Mason: hey!

Joey: okay I'm going to go upstairs get changed and brush me teeth do you have extra toothbrushes?

Shane:yea in the med cabinet

Joey: okay thank you

I go upstairs and go back into Shane's room put my clothes on and when I'm about to put my shirt on I saw one of Shane's hoodies in his closet and I wanted to smell like him so I put on my shirt and I took one of his hoodies that I can put on once I took a shower.I walk into the bathroom and look inside the Medicean cabinet and find one of the most horrifying things in the world cigarets. I put them in my pocket. I'm going to ask Shane about them. I brush my teethies.I walk down stairs and Shane and mason is watching tv.

Joey:ok I'm leaving,but um Shane can I talk to you privately really quick?

Shane:yea of course is everything okay?
I walk outside onto the porch and Shane follows me.

Joey: what the hell is this?
I pull out the cigarets.

Shane:I've been trying to quit but it's hard as a single dad and I just get anxiety and overwhelmed sometimes and they help.

Joey: baby I understand that but there are other ways to handle that and how come you didn't come to me?

Shane:I know I should have.

Joey: we have been dating for almost a year behind masons back and your family already knows and my family knows you could talk to either one of them you know everyone that we know  loves you and adores you.I love you so much. And I love mason so anytime your feeling happy,sad,mad or anything that you don't like talk to me about it please. Talk to me about how your feeling. Okay?

Shane: okay baby I'm sorry I will I promise okay?

Joey: you promise promise?

Shane:yes I promise promise baby I love you and mason so yea I will do it.

Joey:okay...well I have to get going I love you so much.

I say as I'm walking down the steps.

Shane: love you more!

Joey: love you most!

Shane: love you forever! Ha ha I win bye!!

Joey: bye!
I say and wave while driving off.I shake my head and smiling.

Joey: what am I going to do with that man.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2018 ⏰

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