Chapter 4

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As I was running down the hall I heard heavy footsteps close behind me.

"Come back here!" the guy yelled after me.

"No thank you. I'm good," I shouted back at him.

I don't think he liked my answer. Because after I said that he growled angrily and started running faster. This wasn't good for me at all.

"I'm going to catch you," He said matter of factly.

"Yea, like that would happen. You're hilarious," I yelled and rolled my eyes.

"No need to yell sweetheart," he whispered in my ear. Which caused me to scream and try to run faster.

Which of course didn't work because he already had me by the waist. And when he did this tingles and sparks ran throughout my body. Ugh.

"Dang it. So close," I muttered.

"No you weren't sweetheart. And you know it, "he whispered in my ear. A shiver rocked through my body. What the heck? He already has that affect on me! Are you kidding me?

Nope, not kidding you, Isabelle commented.

Oh shut up, I retorted.

Mean much, Isabelle muttered.

I'm sorry Isabelle. It's just that I'm freaking out and, I was cut off by someone waving a hand in my face.

"Hello, you there?" the big bad wolf a.k.a my mate asked.

"No, I'm in the world of sparkly vampires," I retorted sarcastically.

He growled lowly. That's when I finally noticed the power coming off him. He's an alpha. Oh great alphas are nearly as stubborn as me, and that is a big statement. I smirked. This is going to be fun.

"I'm sorry Alpha Dylan. Brianna can be a bit sarcastic and rude when she's irritated," Morgan tried to explain. At hearing his name my eyes widened but I quickly composed myself before anyone noticed. Is he who I think he is?

"I see. Well I guess I should introduce myself," he said looking into my eyes."I'm Dylan, Alpha of the Blue Moon pack, and you're my Luna." I gasped. Then I composed myself and said with venom lacing my voice, "I am not your anything."I made sure to put infuses on your. He growled rather loudly at that.

"Brianna, I think you should maybe watch it," Hailee said worriedly.

"No, I'm not going to "watch it."I'm not his. And I don't even want a mate!" I yelled pushing against Dylan's chest. It only made him tighten his hold on me.

"You are mine!" He exclaimed. "No, I'm not, you butt face!" I screamed at him heatedly.

"Butt face?" he asked looking amused. Jerk.

I didn't even give him an answer. I just started thrashing in his grip till I finally got out of his hold. Then as you might have guessed, I ran for my life. It seems as if I'm doing this a lot lately.

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