The Moon

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The bar always stays open late for the Southern Jefferson's. Since some people know the others who work there it was pretty easy getting cheap beers and cheap food. Thomas stood up on a table, banging a spoon against his drink. The music died down slowly but still audible from the juxbox.

"I am proud to say that the King Gang is officially gone!" A round of cheers erupted throughout the bar, some howlers as well. The dim lights reflected off of Jefferson's skin, making it seem like he was glowing slightly.

He looked around at his friends, James was sitting at the table he was standing on, smiling on at the leader. The two have been through a lot together from, family, sickness and through the streets. James knows how to write like crazy and can never seem to stop catching a cold, but that doesn't mean he can't fight like a warrior.

Aaron Burr took a small sip of his beer. Not really much of a party person himself. Thomas questioned why he was part of the gang sometimes, seem as he would usually try to not get into battles with other gangs and to compromise instead. But nothing less he was smart enough to know when a new gang comes into town.

His two men sat there with a grin on their stupid faces. Thomas sighed and raised his glass.

"Raise a glass!" Everyone rose their beers and shots. "To the victory over those who try to take our side of town, to the people who you've met on this journey, and of course to the founder of this family!" Thomas nodded his head to the painting of his late great grandfather.


A sip and a sip and eventually the bar was back with classic songs and conversations about the King Gang. Thomas jumped down, sitting next to James putting his feet up on the table. Aaron chuckled.

"Once again I guess you were right Jefferson." Thomas rolled his eyes.

"I'm always right when it comes to being a leader Burr."

James could feel the tension between the two growing. "Anyways a victory is a victory. Burr you didn't want any causalities and Thomas wanted to win. You both got what you wanted, stop arguing enjoy the party."

Jefferson mumbled something before lifting his glass and putting it in the middle of the table. Everyone followed clinging the glasses together.

"To winning."

The two nodded. "To winning."

As the party went on, the three separated themselves from one another. Burr going to flirt with some girl or guy, Madison probably coughing up a storm in the bathroom. Although Jefferson for once walked out onto the street of the bar. He wasn't drunk, a bit buzzed. The warmness of the alcohol soothed him from the light cuts and bruises from the fight earlier.

The tall man didn't quite know why he stood outside while his people were getting drunk off their minds. He loves a good party more than anything, but something felt different. Like he needed to come out here, like he needed to take a breather.

Jefferson looked up at the stars, the full moon shined down onto the streets, making the night a little brighter then usual. Thomas could see faint little stars around the moon. Making the glow more special for him. More special because those stars were his family members. Every time someone dies their soul was so bright that it could light up like the sun.

Each little star was a soul who has passed away on this Earth. It might seem like a old tale to tell kids but to Thomas, he knew that his family would shine the brightest in the sky. So bright that when the sun starts coming up you can still see them. Thomas knew, he just knew.

"Are you watching the sky?"

The man turned around to see who was talking to him. His eyes weren't prepared for the amount of freckles on their face. Or the nice warm eyes that could take his heart away. Or the brown hair tied to the back that had little hairs sticking out on the side.

God he wasn't prepared to meet him.

Thomas couldn't stop staring. What was happening? He usually was smart, quick on his feet, but his eyes stayed on the male. His mind not even able to come up with words.

"It's pretty right?" The man in the sweater said. He got a little closer to him, and pointed up at a certain star. Thomas followed.

"Those stars make a perfect square, and I believe it might be my ancestors. From the way you were looking at the stars I think you would believe an old fairytale right?"

Finally coming back, Thomas smiled, a small gentle smile at the man. "Of course I do, the ones circling around the moon are my family members."

"Do you think they ever try to tell you something?"

"Of course."

The man stepped to where he was side by side with Thomas. The little hairs slowly falling up and down because of the wind.

"Once I was looking at the stars and I could swear they were twinkling." Thomas brushed the hair behind his ear. The freckled man's cheeks began to show a slight rose color on them. Thomas' heart couldn't take how cute his light skin mixed with the freckles and the blush, and he just wanted to see what it was like. To kiss a man like this.

Was this what it's like to have love at first sight? Thomas thought.

"I never caught your name? You walk up to a random stranger ask him about the stars and play with your sweater and don't tell them your name?"

"You continue to talk to the stranger and keep staring at him with big eyes while talking about fairytales. Not asking for a name until now?"

Thomas smirked, his hand cupped his cheek. He was quick, cute, and kind.

"I guess we're both in the wrong?" Jefferson whispered getting closer to him. The shorter man in the sweater didn't move, he could feel the light breath of the other man on his nose. The rose pink got dark and darker on his cheeks.

"My name is John, John Laurens."

Thomas' blood ran cold.

"Laurens? From the Hamilton Union?"

"How did you know that?"

Thomas' hand dropped away from John, running it through his hair instead. How could the freckled covered man be part of that stupid gang? Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! He can't believe he almost fell for someone on the Hamilton biker gang. No he didn't almost fall, he did fall.

"I'm Thomas Jefferson, from-"

"The Southern Jef-Jefferson?" John's felt as though his heart stopped beating.

"Why are you in town, aren't you suppose to be in New York?" Thomas asked, his light voice from talking about the stars was replaced with a thick southern accent and slight worry.

"Yes but we're here to take back our original spot where our founder George Washington was born."


"Tell that leader of yours to stay out of our way." Thomas clinched his fist. Hamilton, the Hamilton Union comes into town trying to claim it as their own even if they left a 50 years ago. In the back of his head he knew this problem was coming. But he was never sure when.

He looked up at those eyes, those freckles, that hair. Thomas could now see the Hamilton brand on the corner of John's sweater in the moonlight.

"I can't just tell him to quit, besides that, George was born here and founded the gang here, this land is rightfully ours." Thomas scoffed.

"Washington left as soon as he founded that Gang, went to New York and switched it up even more by giving it a new name! To someone he meant in New York! You stay over there and I'll stay down here."

Thomas saw someone walk around the corner. His eyes filled with rage at the sight.

Alexander Hamilton, a leather jacket and all with a green lollipop sticking out his mouth.

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