White Shirt

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I practically skip downstairs.
"Can I go shopping with Ali?" I ask, grabbing a banana off the counter.
Mom stops reading the newspaper and gives me a motherly look.
"I didn't know Alison was gay," she says. I gulp.
"She was confused for a while. But yeah, she lov-" I stop myself from saying that she loves me. My mom would totally freak. "She likes me," I correct.
Mom sighs and shakes her head. "I don't understand you Emily. A week ago you were happily dating Paige. And then just the other day you almost strangled her. What happened?"
I sit down at the table.
"She played a big part in bullying Ali. And I flipped when she told me about it. I was on a short fuse, my best friend almost committed suicide. I overreacted," I say.
"So she's gone? Out of the picture?"
"Yeah, she is. I'm happier with Ali," I say.
"Go shop. Have fun."
I jump up and wrap her in a huge hug.
I knew she could accept it.
"Wait!" She calls as I'm halfway upstairs. "Invite her to dinner. I want to get to know her better."
I smile and nod, loving how much my mom is caring. I knew she would come around.
I contemplate what to wear for nearly thirty minutes, but decide to stick with the white shirt Ali let me borrow, black skinny jeans, and my black combat boots. I straighten my hair before throwing it into a neat ponytail and apply just a little bit of makeup.
Then I text her.
E: get your wallet out. We're going shopping.
She replies almost instantly.
A: I can't wait to try on clothes with you ;)
I can't help but blush.

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