Vengeance for the Plunderers

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Alexandria was something none of them had ever experienced. It was a safezone from most of the evil things going on outside. Most of them.

It was a good thing the group finally had a place to sleep, even though some still didn't trust the whole situation, broken through old events.

Alexandria had everything you could've wished for:

Food, a infirmary, medical assistance, beds and a new and, for now, peaceful environment.

Daryl on the other hand, didn't trust anything or anyone here. No soul would get to earn his trust in this place.

He didn't pick a bed for himself, he didn't eat and he didn't speak, at least not to the residents of Alexandria.

Instead he was on the lookout, checking up on everyone he knew and trusted to make sure they were okay, walking around all night to watch and observe. Too many things have broken his trust, this city would not be the next to make him think he is safe.

Having checked upon most everyone, there was only one person left: Rick.

During the day Rick has been accompanied by Jessie, a resident of this hell of a town and Daryl didn't like the way she looked at him. He had a feeling she might be up to something, since Rick is the group's leader.

Walking past the house, he looked up to the night sky, avoiding it in case he might see something he didn't want to. The night was clear and the starts bright and Daryl thought about the last time he looked into the sky, without checking for threats.

He couldn't remember.

Daryl had been having theses worries for Rick just weeks after they met. Worries he might get hurt or bitten. Worries he could lose him, again. He didn't want to go through that another time. Even being away to look for supplies was hard enough.

One thing he didn't know though, was how Rick felt about these things. He showed him brotherly affection, but never showed any sign of something else. Maybe he didn't catch it everytime.

He sat down on the grass next to the pond across from the house, not really watching it, but still aware if there was moving to be spotted.

The sun started to rise and Daryl could see mist coming up, gently hovering over the floor like a light white blanket.

May he should go over to Rick, just to see if he's fine.

With him being the leader, there was always an eye on Rick, watching and observing his decisions for the group. But Daryl was the secret eye, not to see if he makes mistakes, but to see if he was alright, physically or mentally. Anxiety and fear about Rick has always been there, if Daryl wanted it or not.

The sun was up, covering Alexandria in a warm glow, slowly heating up the pavement. No one was awake yet, silence filling the streets comfortably.

Rick stood in front of the mirror, still getting used to his new look. If he wanted to stay in Alexandria, he had to change his appearance. A "Start-over".

Washing his face, he felt how aware he was of his surroundings, still expecting something sneaking up behind him. The outside world was cruel and Rick couldn't remember how it used to be. Quiet? Calm? Like this?

It was awkward going around this town, seeing people behave like normal people would, not with weapons, ready to hit the next biter in the face. He still has a knife underneath the pillow though, don't let your guard down too much or they'll get you.

Already warm, Rick threw away the thought of wearing a shirt as he walked downstairs, quietly to not wake up the others, knowing very well about light sleep.

He filled a glass with water, his throat dry and itchy. Taking a sip he walked around the house, checking the windows he passed to see not a soul walking the misty streets.

Deciding for some cool air he put the glass aside and went to the front door, carefully opening it to avoid noise.

Outside the fresh air hit him, closing his eyes for a moment to take it in.

Suddenly he felt eyes on him, before he looked to his left, seeing Daryl sitting on the porch, looking at him with confusion in his eyes.

"You didn't sleep?" Rick asked, slightly concerned about Daryl's recent behavior.

"Couldn't, don't trust this place." Daryl replied shortly, still looking at Rick, taking in the new features he hasn't seen in quite a while.

Silence fell between them as Daryl stood up, stepping close to Rick.

"Shaved your beard, huh?"

"Yeah, I needed some changes." Rick said, eyeing him intensely.

Daryl rose his hand, fingers starting to carefully graze the new found skin, admiring it.

"I don't like it."

"You don't?"

"No, I prefer the beard, the wild Rick." Daryl muttered, inching closer and planting a careful kiss on Rick's lips, savouring the taste.

Immediately Rick's hands placed themselves on Daryl's sides, fingertips digging into the fabric of his clothes as he returned the kiss.

It was slow, time stopped around them and both knew it was something they needed, that they craved for a long time.

Again and again Daryl's lips found their way to Rick's, kissing slow and careful, but intense and passionate.

Their lips parted as both looked at each other, heartbeats going fast and the breath faster with their eyes closed and foreheads touching.

"I love you." Rick breathed, a small smile pulling on his lips.

"I love you too."

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