Part two

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           As I walk up the steps of my old home, I start to feel nostalgic because all of the memories i have had here come flooding back and there is no way that i can stop them. But on the flight here i couldnt think of any of these memories that are now flooding my mind. why is thius happening now. we got to the large brass door that let into the front of the house, and it is opened, when we step inside im greeted by every single maid and butler that has ever worked for my familt for generations at this estate. i look at all of them, and smile as a recognize alot of there faces, remembering that they used to playwith and help take care of me  as a child.  some of them looked back at me and smiled where as others just stood how they were supposed to, to as not get into trouble.

"WELCOME HOME PRINCESS", they all yelled out at once.

the front door soon was then closed as i stand there not knowing what to do now. as i begin to look around i notice someone standing at the top of the stairs, staring down at me. she had big round brown eyes, long blonde hair that was put up into a ponytail, and she wore an old stile dress that fit her frame perfectly. she just looked down at me no expression upon her face, as she was standing there, and then she opened her mouth to speak. 

"welcome home princess we have been waiting for you, your room is all set up for you and there is a dress set upon your bed for you to change into before you are allowed to see your grandfather, he wishes to speak to you assoon as you are ready, now please if you will excuse me", she then turned and walked away.

before i knew it i was being led to my old bedroom, which i havent seen in years. the door was opened for me and i was pushed inside before the door was closed behind me. i looked around the room and everything looked the same as the day that i was sent away, it even looked cleaner then the day that i left. 

my old doll house and little wooden dolls were in the same spot, my bed still had the same style bedding on it from when i was little. the only thing that was different about it, is that there is a brand new dress laid upon it. not one of those newer style dresses that women wear, no its one of those pooffy style dresses, that have the bell bottom skirtsand long sleeves. it was sill beautiful none the less.  i continued to walk over to the closet and opened it, it is alot bigger then what i remember. some of my old clothes are still in it. along with a whole bunch of new dresses that would fit me now, they were the same style as the dress on the bed, but most of these ones looked a bit plain. some of them looked alot more elegant probably for parties and visits to my grandfather. 

i closed the closet and then walked over to the bed and touched the fabric of the dress. you would think that the fabric would be dense, but it felt like silk when you rubbed it between your fingers. i sighed then as i remembered  that i should probably start getting dressed because my grandfather is an rather impatient man. he doesnt like to be kept waiting. i then began to remove my clothes and picked up the corset that laid beside the dress and put it around my waist and realized that i have no idea on how to lace it up. as i held it in place and opened the door before sticking my head out and looking down the hallway. i saw a maid walking in my direction.

"um excuse me but do you think that you may help me with something", i asked as kindly as i could muster.

she stopped looking at me,"why certainly princess what is it that i can do for you princess", she said before walking towards the door.

"um well you see i was wondering if you would be able to help me lace this stupid thing because i have no idea on how its done", i said as i let her into the room and closed the door before gesturing towards the corset that i was holding up to cover myself. 

she nodded before turning me around and moved it to its rightful place and began to lace it up properly.  she didn't say anything to me as she did so, even after she was done she didn't say anything not even when i said thank you, she just nodded and walked out of the room. once she left i just continued to get dressed before i stood in front of the mirror, looking at myself, my hair laid over my shoulders, and i don't look the same as when i got here about an hour ago if i gave a guess. i grabbed the hairbrush that was on the desk beside the mirror and brushed out my hair before a put it up into a fancy looking bun. there was some jewelry that was beside the dress but i didn't put any of it on, but i did leave on the only necklace that i will ever need, it was one that my mother had given to me as a child. the silver white jewel that was attached to the chain just laid against my pail skin. 

my mother said that it went perfectly with my eyes when she had given it to me. whenever i think about that day i smile. it is the last thing that my mother had ever given me before i was sent off and she was killed. i looked up at the ceiling and closed my eyes as i thought about her smiling face. i miss her so much, if only i could go back in time just to save her, i would make everything different.

as i was lost in thought someone came and knocked on the door, and i jumped slightly, hearing a voice i didn't recognize, saying that it was time to see my grandfather through it. i walked over to it and opened it. a maid a few years younger then i was stood there and looked at me with green eyes. she then begin to lead me down the hall, and i followed close behind her so that i wouldn't get lost within these halls that i barely remember. all i remember is walking through them wanting to know where they all led to but i could never remember which one led to where, so i eventually gave up. before i knew it we were at my grandfathers bedroom door, it was a door that i would never forget. i remember walking here everyday just to spend time with him and my grandmother when she was still alive. i think that when it all changed, is when my grandmother, my grandfathers one true love, had perished by the hands of her brother, Christopher.  he then was killed for his crimes to his family's name.

the door was then opened, and as i walked in i saw my grandfather laying in his bed, his red piercing gaze followed my every movement.

"Hello grandfather, I have returned"

"Welcome home Sarai"

authors note: sorry for all the errors that i have put into this chapter, i will go back and fix them all in the future, please have a fantastic day. also please stay tuned for the next chapter.

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