Chapter 18

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~Talia's POV~

I woke up with Tyler's arm around my waist between my breasts. I still can't believe what we did yesterday. That was the most sexual thing I have ever done with a guy. I couldn't really focus on anything else due to him breathing heavily in my ear, ugh now what way shall I wake up my lovely fiancé? I saw my phone near the table so while trying not to wake up Tyler I got my phone out trying to pick a song that is loud and that I think he wouldn't like to hear first thing in the morning.

I opened it up and found the perfect song. I turned around so I could see his expression when he wakes up. I turn up the volume all the way and got ready to play One Direction's song "Best Song Ever." So, I like One Direction, so sue me, but, there music is amazing!

I got everything set and I hit play.

'Cause we dance all night to the best song ev-'

"Ahhhhh!" Tyler screamed and fell off the bed while bringing me with him. His expression was priceless. First, he was surprised, then he was confused but, now he was angry. "What the hell!?" I could tell he was furious but, I couldn't stop laughing. I mean imagining what I just did to your own loved one and got that reaction. "Oh so you think this is funny? I'll show you funny!"

*Warning paragraph contains some sexual interactions that some of you may not like. You have been warned* All of a sudden Tyler plunged two finger into me. He started to pump really fast and I started to grind myself into his fingers after I figured out what was happening. He got easy access due to the sexual interaction we did yesterday. I was suddenly under him with him still pumping his fingers. I moaned loudly and muttered that I was close to my release. He smirked then suddenly he stopped, got up then walked away. What the hell? I got up slowly wondering what the hell was going on. I was then flung onto the bed with Tyler on top of me. His legs were spreading my thighs with his legs while he brought his lips to my ear and says "If you want to finish then you have to beg!" I was speechless before I started to pump him while saying "You know you can't resist giving me pleasure. I do the same to you and now you can barely speak because of the pure. pleasure. that you have because of me." I finished but, he wasn't done with me yet. "Oh fuck!" He muttered then he put his two fingers back inside of me and pumped really fast, I guess he was really close and luckily so was I. We both started to give the other more pleasure then when he connected our lips I felt over the edge. We both groaned at the same time while we both let our juices. He let his out on the sheets and mine are still traveling to be out from my pussy. Tyler looked at me evilly before he placed his head between my legs. I moaned out loud and spilled more of my juices while he licked up and swallowed up every last drop.

He looked up at me and said "We should probably take another shower." I smiled and raced to the bathroom while grabbing my robe and slammed the door shut, did I mention that I also locked it? No, well I knew he wanted us to take a shower together but, if we did we would never leave the bedroom and I promised Sarah to find her true love or at least a boyfriend.

Seconds later I heard pounding on the door but, after I turned on the shower they stopped. I smiled to myself knowing that he knew he wouldn't get in. I got to think about how he said he loved me. I was so surprised and I knew that I would fall in love with him but, right now I couldn't say the same, at least not until I was absolutely positive I was in love with him.

While I was washing my hair I felt arms around me and immediately froze. I heard laughing behind me while Tyler said "You think a door could keep me from you? If you did you would be so wrong." I groaned because I know he knew that was what I hopped. At least for my shower.

I said "At least let us be quick because I promised Sarah to help her look for a boyfriend." He groaned looking at me with a desperate look as if saying 'I don't want you to leave! Just stay with me forever!'

We continued to take a shower, washing ourselves with a few kisses in between. When we got out he decided to tease me a little. He wrapped a towel around me knowing how I can sometimes be insecure, and he carried me to our closet to get dressed. He put me down and I realized that he didn't have a towel on and he was completely naked.I blushed and turned away.

After I picked out jean shorts and a bright green top with pink dots I went to grab my undergarments. I saw that Tyler was trying to figure out what to wear so I quickly changed into my outfit with my pink underwear and bra. I turned around to see Tyler staring at me with lust. Crap. I quickly put on earrings, perfume and hopefully some courage. I walked out of the room but, I felt Tyler behind me and turned me around. He gave me a quick intense kiss before turning back around. He said "Nice ass" before slapping it while I walked away.

I swear that boy is too cocky for his own good.

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