Stay- Grant Ward

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Mia knew this day would come. The day when she would have to decide. Leave or stay. She had been in a coma for nearly a month and she was only deteriorating. From her spot in the corner she watched the man she loved; Grant Douglas Ward destroy himself. He held her pale hand tightly whispering sweet words of encouragement to her as she slept. "Come on Mia. You can do it. Please just fight. Please wake up."
He had said those words to her in the beginning. Now he himself had prepared for the worst.
    "Its okay if you want to go. I want you to be happy. I don't want you to be in pain." He cried softly.
   Mia scoffed. "Then leave Hydra. Tell Garret you want out. Tell my dad everything. He'll understand."
    It was almost as if he heard her because at that moment Garret walked in.
   "I want out." He stated.
Garret glared. "The hell do you mean?"
      "Hydra. I won't do it. I want to be good. I want SHIELD. I want Mia." Grant replied.
   " No. " Garret said.
"It wasn't a question. Hydra is the reason she's lying there. SHIELD is the reason she's still alive." He snapped.
   "Whatever you say son. Just think of me when you're in jail." Garret laughed without humour.
   "I'll think of the first good decision I've made in a long time." Grant muttered. Squeezing Mia's hand one last time.
   "Wake up please." He begged before kissing her forehead softly and walking away.
"You mean to tell me that you've been working for Hydra since the beginning?" Phil snapped.
    " Yes sir. " Grant answered.
  "Did she know?" He asked quietly.
" No. " Grant stated.
"I'll talk to Fury. If you cooperate then you'll get a lighter sentence. But you'll be in jail for a long time." Phil sighed.
  " I just want Mia. Being in SHIELD means i can have her. Being with Hydra puts her at risk. " Grant said.
   Phil contacted Fury and just under two hours later Grant Ward was being walked off of the bus and into a secure prison cell in a base called The Den. It was a relatively nice cell... If you could call it that; it was more like a suite. It had a bedroom, bathroom and kitchen/living area. There was even an exercise area with plants off to the side.
   The reason for the nice prison thing was because he had in fact collaborated with SHIELD. Grant made sure he was nice to his jailers and focused on being a better person. Even accepting responsibility for The Well.
   He was two and a half months in when Phil visited with a solemn look on his face.
     "Grant?" He asked.
" I'm here because of Mia. " Phil stated.
"Has she? Did she leave?" Grant panicked.
" Amelia Rose woke up at 4.22 this morning for thirty minutes. She had a normal conversation with Fitzsimmons, May, Skye and myself. She asked for you. I told her that you loved her very much and that you'd be there soon. " Phil explained.
      Grant was speechless.
"But she was adamant that she saw you ASAP." Phil grinned.
     "Do you mind if I come in?" Mia called from her wheelchair.
   " Mia? " Grant's head snapped up.
"Hey." She smiled, allowing Fitz to push her into the smallish area.
  " You stayed. " He breathed.
"I told you you can't get rid of me that easy."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2018 ⏰

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