Chapter 9

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   ✭Monday Night RAW, 9:47 P

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Monday Night RAW, 9:47 P.M., Worcester, Massachusetts

Miri was getting ready for her tag team match with Matt. Her and Matt were going against Victoria and Steven Richards. In all honesty, Miri wasn't looking forward to the match. She didn't understand why she had to team with Matt instead of Jeff. Of course, Matt and Miri were 2/3 of Team Xtreme, but she thought that maybe they would've teamed her up with Jeff. She tied her boots and looked at herself in the mirror.
"Alright girls. I'm going for my match now. See y'all in a bit," Miri waved. She received 'good lucks' before she walked out of the locker room. Miri made her way to the gorilla and waited for Matt. He walked up to her.
"You ready for the match?" Matt seriously asked. Miri nodded.
"Look, I don't want to get in between you and Lita, alright? I know you two don't get together at all, and quite frankly I won't be able to change that. I don't want to be stuck choosing one over the other," Matt explained.
"I understand. I don't want to ruin your relationship either." Miri nodded.
"So friends?" Matt questioned. Miri smiled.
"Friends," She confirmed. Team Xtreme's theme played and both Matt and Miri walked out. They did their entrance at the top of the ramp.
"The following mixed tag team match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, the team of Miri Nicolette and Matt Hardy."
Matt and Miri stood in the ring as they waited for their opponents. Victoria and Steven Richards walked out from backstage and made their way into the ring. Miri and Victoria started off first. They locked up and fought for dominance. Miri kicked Victoria's leg and set her up for a bulldog. Once Victoria's face was slammed against the canvas, Miri turned her around and pinned her.
Miri picked Victoria up and body slammed her. Miri then followed with an elbow drop and pinned her again.
Miri sighed in frustration. She grabbed Victoria. Victoria countered and clotheslined Miri. Victoria tagged Richards in while Miri tagged Matt in.

End of Match

   Matt and Richards fell out of the ring. Before they did so, they had managed to tag in the divas. Miri stepped in and was greeted by two clotheslines. She got up and tried to punch Victoria. Victoria ducked and kicked Miri in the gut. Miri held her stomach and Victoria lifted her up.
"And the Widows Peak by Victoria!" J.R. announced. Miri's face was smashed into the canvas. Victoria flipped her over and pinned her.
"Here are your winners, Victoria and Steven Richards." Lillian spoke into the mic. Miri rolled out of the ring with the help of Matt.
"You alright?" He whispered.
"Yup," Miri nodded. They made their way backstage.
"I'm gonna go get changed. See you around," Matt waved. Miri nodded and walked to the divas locker room. Victoria caught up to her.
"Hey Miri," She smiled.
"Hi Victoria. That was a pretty swell match." Miri smiled back.
"It really was," Victoria laughed. The girls entered the locker room and went to their spots.
"Great match," Brena smiled at Miri.
"Thanks. I just need to get dressed and wait for Jeff to finish up his match," Miri sighed.
"I'm sure it won't take long." Brena assured. Miri nodded and changed into her red shirt and denim overalls. She put on her favorite combat boots and put her hair up into a ponytail. Miri zipped her bag up and took her phone out. She started playing Best Fiends. There was a knock on the door. The divas looked at each other. They had this thing where each diva would get a turn to open the door.
"Who hasn't gone yet?" Torrie whispered. The divas looked at each other.
"I'll go," Miri got up and walked towards the door. She opened it and saw Coachman there.
"Stephanie and Mr. McMahon need to see you in their office," He said. Miri looked back at the divas with worries eyes. Reby whispered a 'you'll be fine'. Miri looked back at Coachman and nodded. She closed the door behind her and walked to the McMahons office. She knocked on the door.
"Come in," The deep voice replied. Miri entered and saw the women's champion, Molly Holly there. She smiled at Miri. Miri smiled back.
"Have a seat, Miri," Stephanie smiled. Miri smiled and took a seat.
"Okay Miri, you've been in WWE for over a year," Vince stated.
"Yes, I have," Miri nodded.
"We've talked this over and thought it would be nice if you had a title shot." Vince finished.
"Oh my god! Thank you so much!" Miri tried to hide her excitement.
"We also wanted to put you in the ten diva tag team match. Of course, both of these matches are next week at extreme rules; therefore, there will be hardcore wrestling regulations. Would that be alright with you?" Stephanie asked.
"Yeah. I would be alright with that," Miri nodded.
"Alright, it's settled. You have your two matches next week," Vince and Stephanie shook hands with Molly and Miri. The two divas walked out of the office.
"This is a great opportunity for you, Miri. Although I just won this title last week, I do wish you good luck and it would be great for you if you won," Molly smiled.
"Thank you Molly. That means so much coming from you. I mean I really admire you," Miri smiled and hugged Molly.
"No problem. Now I need to go eat something. I'm starving." Molly laughed.
"Alright. See you around Molly," Miri waved. She walked back into the divas locker room.
"What happened?" Lainey asked.
"So I got a title match and was put into a ten divas tag team match next week, at Extreme rules," Miri smiled. They all congratulated her.
Miri thanked them and walked back to her spot. There was another knock at the door.
"Alright, who's next?" Brena asked.
"Jacqueline hasn't gone," Ivory pointed out.
"Yes I have. I went last week, remember?" Jacqueline said as she zipped up her boots.
"Then it's Reby's turn," Reby sighed and got up she opened the door and looked back.
"Miri, it's your lover boy," She giggled, which caused the rest of the divas to also giggle.
"Oh shut up! Ask him what he wants," Miri demanded. Reby turned to the door and then back at Miri.
"He said he's ready." Reby stated and walked away from the door. The door started to slowly open. Victoria gasped.
"Reby the door! I'm naked!" She yelled.
"Oh my god!" Reby ran back to the door and shut it.
"Oh lord. Let's hope he didn't see anything," Ariel sighed.
"I'm sure he didn't," Miri assured and got up with her bag. She walked to the door and opened it. Miri waved and said her goodbyes before exiting the locker room.
"Did you see a naked Victoria?" Was the first thing that came out of her mouth.
"Sadly, no," He frowned.
"You're so perverted." Miri rolled her eyes.
"I'm just kidding! Why are you mad?" He teased.
"I'm not mad. You're just a stupid idiot," Miri shook her head.
   Jeff and Miri walked out of the arena and into the rental car.
   After arriving at the hotel room, they both showered and relaxed on their beds.
"Guess what?" Miri asked.
"What?" Jeff kept his eyes on the tv.
"You have to guess!" Miri pouted.
"Just tell me. I have no clue what could out of your mouth," Jeff joked. Miri rolled her eyes.
"Well next week at Extreme rules I'm in a ten diva tag team match," She stated.
"That seems cool," Jeff smiled.
"I'm not done yet. Are you ready for what I'm about to tell you?" Jeff nodded.
"I got a title match," Miri smiled.
"Really?" Miri nodded.
"That's amazing, Mi. I think I'm looking at the next women's champion." Jeff grinned.
"Maybe," Miri returned the grin.


"Jeff what the hell are you doing?" Miri asked.
"Going out the window. I'm too lazy to walk all the way around to leave. Come on," Jeff opened the window and stepped out. Their room was located on the first floor, so it wasn't hard to leave out the window.
"You stupid idiot," Miri shook her head and followed Jeff. He closed the window and they both walked towards the car.
"Do you have the keys?" Jeff asked.
"No, I thought you had the keys," Miri stated.
"I thought you had the keys," Jeff raised his eyebrows Miri shook her head.
"Well fuck. Looks like we're going to have to use our legs," Jeff huffed. Miri groaned. It was midnight and both of them were walking to the gas station.
"It's quite cold," Miri wrapped her arms around herself. Jeff chuckled and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Their hips touched as they walked.
"Isn't it crazy that two years ago we didn't know each other and now we're best friends," Miri leaned on the taller man.
"It really is. If someone told me two years ago that I would be teaming up with a clown, I wouldn't believe them," Jeff chuckled.
"You stupid idiot," Miri gaped and slapped his arm. She pulled away from him as they continued walking.
"Especially if they mentioned that this clown would call me a stupid idiot every single day," Jeff continued to tease.
"I hate you," Miri fought the smile that threatened to creep onto her lips.
"You love me," Jeff cooed and hugged her from behind.
"No, I despise you," Miri stated.
"No, you love, love me," Jeff smiled and rested his head on her shoulder. Miri shook her head.
"Uh-uh. I don't love, love you," She countered.
"You're right. You love, love, love me," Jeff grinned.
"Oh you stupid idiot," Miri shook her head and smiled.

A/N;Sorry, it's just a fill in chapter, basically

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Sorry, it's just a fill in chapter, basically.

Word Count 1677

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2019 ⏰

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