Chapter 2

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I dragged myself to my feet and stumbled back into the club since it had died down

I sat down and questioned my life for the millionth time in the same set at the same time

"You okay?" i heard a familiar voice ask as the stool leg scraped across the floor next to me

I looked to see grayson and about five other boys I rubbed my eyes and nodded trying to hide the big red mark on my cheek "Whats that?"One of the boys asked "Birth mark"I said looking away "Thats a lie" another said "he hit you didnt he"Grayson asked clenching his jaw "Why-wha-why would he do that?"I asked "I dont know everleigh you tell me after all he is your boyfriend am I right?"Grayson smirked and biting his lip "Unfortunately"I sighed brushing my fingers through my hair in frustration "Has he got a gang?Is that why your scared of him?"Grayson asked "Of course he has i thought they had beaten you up"I said "Nice,Anyway,it's late you want me to drive you home?"He asked me "I'd need a plane for that"I sighed "Max brough me here 3 months ago hoping to move in together,ill just stay here for the night"I said taking my leather jacket off "You can come to ours"He said standing up "Use go ahead"Grayson said to the others

"Tell me everleigh did he hit you?"Grayson whispered to me as we exited the club"Yeah.."I whispered as a tear crawled down my cheek

I felt a sudden vibration in my pocket as the ringtone of my phone blurted out "You should take that"Grayson said "Ill be sitting in my car get in once your ready"He whispered as I answered the phone

I nodded in agreement


"Everleigh Where the fuck are you?"Max muffled down the phone

"No where"I answered

"Listen carefully,if your with that fuckhead,I will find you and ill do more than hit you."He threatened

"Bye max."I said before hanging up

I felt my heart drop as i thought about what he said

I walked to the car to see he was on the phone to

I quietly sat down as he finished up his convesation

"Yes E i'll be home soon okay?"He said rolling his eyes

"Oh and get the couch ready I'll be sleeping on that tonight."He said before putting the phone down "Hey I could happily sleep on the couch or floor iv been sleeping on them for 3 months nothing knew."I said

"No you can have the bed"He smiled before pulling off

"Hey,grayson..can I ask you something?"I asked "Of course"He answered "Why are you letting me in so easily?"i asked "Because I have a gang too its not like theres all guns and knives and abusive boyfriends and 2 years ago one of there gang members shot one of ours and got away with it"He said "Your not going to shoot me are you?"I asked "No obviously just revenge taking the leaders girlfriend"He smirked "Your not making me one of yours I dont want to be in any gang"I panicked "Who said you where?"He said as he parked in the driveway of a huge mansion

"Yo E!Open up!"Grayson shouted up to one of the windows "Coming!"He shouted

who is E?What is this?The pretty Little Liars?

It wasnt long until a shirtless boy with long black hair opened the door and looked me up and down "Whose this?Another one night stand?"He asked grayson "Excuse me-"I started before grayson stopped me "No ethan shes not ill explain later,did you set the couch up for me?"Grayson asked walking in me following him "Yes obviously"Ethan said closing the door behind me

"Im ethan"He said shaking my hand "Everleigh"I smiled "Whats that red thing on your cheek?"Ethan asked "Nothing nosy"I said looking to grayson who set his keys on the counter "Thats enough ethan show her to my room"Grayson said rolling his eyes "Yeah ethan do this ethan do that just because your like one inch taller than me doesnt mean you own me im 20 minutes older than you"Ethan sulked walking up the stairs "Shut up ethan"Grayson shouted as me and ethan walked up a flight of stairs "So I guess your staying in here for the night or longer dont know how long you'll last "Ethan said pointing to graysons bedroom "How many girls have slept in this?"I asked looking to the bed "Not many to be honest,me and grayson dont really get girlfriends the other boys do"Ethan said "Other boys?How many?"I asked comparing them to maxes gang "Meh,8 or so"Ethan said "Hence the house slash mansion"He smirked "Ah"I nodded

"You got pajamas?"He asked "Or you just sleeping in your panties?"He asked "Uhh...I dont even know"I sighed looking down "Hey I dont know whats happened to you and how you ended up in graysons path but whatever it is it doesnt seem good Im sure grayson will tell me"He said lifting my head up "Yeah"I sighed "You can borrow my shirt"He said taking his shirt off revealing a six pack "Hey eyes up here"He laughed "Thanks"I said taking the shirt "Im just across the hall "He said closing the door after him

"Woah"I sighed looking at the massive bedroom

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