Are we related to potatoes?

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We are like potatoes. Or rather, we behave like everyone was a potato.

If you take a look at a potato. You will quickly judge if it's good or bad, all based on the outside. You see a green spot? Well that potato is in the trash can now. You can judge a person based on the outside, and yes, you might not have wanted to eat that green potato. Sometimes the outside can show someone's bad side, but the rest could always have been good, just not the part you judged.

Does the potato look all good, no faults in your eyes. It could be uncooked, or if it's a person, very immature. Even if it's cooked, the middle, the heart, could be black, making the whole entity inedible.

More of the inside, the consistency can differ from type to type. Those who are of similiar origin, usually have similarities. It might not be personalities, like with potatoes, but the point still stands.

There are so many different kinds of potatoes, and the subject isn't about different potato dishes. No, there are potatoes that are different coloured, some that are mealy, some sticky ones, but they are also different sizes and shapes. Not only are the different variants of potatoes different size, but of the same variant, you'll find both huge and petite.

If you are making something out of potatoes, you want to have the right kind of potato, and you want to prepare it the right time in right climate. If you want someone for a specific job, you want the right kind of person, with the right kind of education and knowledge.

When you go to school you are judged. You will be tested a lot, some more sensible things than other. Even potatoes are treated like this. When you want to eat a potato, you will most likely peel of the peel. Not only can this be related in the way that people only want the juicy bits of you, and treat the rest of you like trash. There's more to it than that. In the peel, you will have most of the nutrients and healthy things. Because the peel doesn't taste as good as the rest, you just don't want it.

The school itself also only wants the part that is deemed nice and good. They will not care about your social skills or other accomplishments when they send you to the next page of your life, no they will only tell about how good or bad the 'potato itself' was, meaning without the peel.

One quite amusing similarity can be found in something that involves the sun. Both humans and potatoes need the sun to survive and develop. But if either gets too much sun on the bare skin or peel, a mark will appear. Being marked makes one less desirable, or simply not as good.

Different aged potatoes will akin to humans be treated differently. New potatoes will not have a thick peel, so they are eaten without being peeled. A potato that has lain in the soil longer will have a lot thicker layer on it. That's pretty much like with humans, it's more difficult to get to know the inside of a human, figuratively spoken.

But in the end, what does it matter to throw away one when there's millions more?

Two potatoes crossed the road. One was crushed under a car, so the other sighed and told the first: Come now mashed potatoes!
Alternative to what could have been said: Couldn't you at least have become fries/chips?


A grand total of 600 words!

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