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Phoenix -

Girl my bad they were only calling on Sunday 🤣

Me -


Phoenix -

Girl don't be dramatic just wait for it Tomorrow matter fact I'll text you when they start coo ?


Bitch don't leave me on read Look just wait for my text tomorrow ight we got this 🤞🏾

Me -

Ok 🙄

should've known some shit like this was gonna happen aye yo BeBe what you doin baby girl Nothing unc wassup Can I come in Yeah the doors open scoot over he said climbin in so yuh momma told me about that lil contest the other day how'd that happen I don't even know Phoenix's crazy ass started it I couldn't even stop her damn

Right Look you ain't gotta take me if you don't want to not like I'm gonna win anyways BeBe you are the most intelligent funny beautiful person I've ever met you can do anything you put your mind to and if them contest people can't see it or anyone else then fuck em and I'm gonna hold it down for you here while you go shine girl he said while tickling me like crazy stop I'm gonna pee on myself I giggled and gasped for air aye look throw some clothes on we going out tonight what about the twins They sleeping over at a friends house so bring some cash

slipping on my slides rushed downstairs unc was standing by the door holding the keys ready to go Hell yeah where we going I said while locking the door wherever the night takes us he chuckled yeah ok I giggled you want some tunes I shook my head and plugged the aux in

soooo soooo what I mocked tell me more about this contest well the winner gets a free plane ticket to Miami and they're gonna pay for the hotel and everything else gurl you goin to Miami ? Yeah supposedly damn you really out here shining naw stop I giggled it's true we pulled into 7-11 and grabbed a couple of snacks and slushes and played In the isles the man at the counter gave us a look while we paid for our stuff so we tricked him into giving us some free candy

We sat in the parking lot and stared up at the stars we talked on and on about pretty much everything I lived for nights like these they took all the stress away and I needed this especially for tomorrow

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