Chapter 4

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~Chapter 4: Eclipse~

It was a calm spring morning on Route 30. Pidgeys chirped, Hoothoots slept and our young heroes were taking a break from traveling to train up their new friends.

A Totodile released a water gun, making a piece from a nearby rock break. "Great job Crunchy! Now let's try a scratch!" Ryan exclaimed with a toothy grin.

A Chikorita shot rapid leaves from its own leaf, knocking an apple from an Eevee's head, before two of its neck spikes became long vines to catch it. "That was awesome, Clover! Bow, move out the way. Clover, use a tackle on that tree!" Cyan told her grass type with a determined smile.

A Cyndaquil spat out a small flame from its mouth and burned a small chunk of rock, while a Sentret hit another rock with its tail. "Pepper, Cinnamon, that was great! One more time please!" Emma smiled warmly, receiving two nods from the two pokemon.

A honey blond sighed, petting his Pikachu while turning his attention to the egg. "I wonder what it'll hatch into..." Brent muttered, watching his friends train. Suddenly, the egg begun shaking about, making his eyes widen. "Um, guys, how long did your eggs take to hatch?" Brent asked nervously. Cyan turned to him.

"Well, Bow, Marina and Joules's eggs took about a week to hatch" Cyan replied. "How long have I had this egg again?" He asked, growing nervous. "About a week ago, why are you- oh." The brunette realized. Cyan turned to her friends. "We might need to cut our stay on this route short."

Ryan, who was taking a break from training his new Totodile, raised an eyebrow. "Why? Crunchy is still training!" The blond exclaimed. "Egg Emergency" The brunette stated, putting emphasis on each word. The raven headed girl and the blond boy mouthed and 'oh' in unison. Emma was the first to shake it off. "Well then, how are we supposed to get on the road soon enough?" "Um, maybe you could stop complaining and help us out to shorten the experience?" Cyan replied.

"Even so, the chance of us finishing under an hour's time is very unlikely" Emma continued, "So, no thanks. I'll keep training." Cyan rolled her eyes. "Where's that sass and negativity coming from?" She questioned. "She's grumpy because she didn't sleep well last night." Ryan told his friend. "How did you-" "You seemed sleepier than usual this morning." He replied, making his friend mouth another 'oh'.

"Now get that negativity outta here! Cyan Chapter Squad commence!" The blond shouted, holding out his hand as to signal some short of handshake. Cyan nodded, holding out her hand as well, "Yeah!". The other two shot a confused look at the other. "What the distortion world..." Brent muttered beneath his breath. "What in the world is 'Cyan Chapter Squad'?" Emma questioned loudly.

"It's the name for our group that we came up with!" Cyan exclaimed. "Yeah! Cyan as in the color and chapter as in each region we travel is a new chapter! Cyan thought of the second bit" Ryan explained. "Why the color cyan?" Emma asked, raising an eyebrow.

The two best friends stared at each other for a sec before nodding, thinking they had the same thing in mind. "It's a cool color!" "They start with the same letter!" The two exclaimed. They truly didn't know why, it just sounded right. "I-It's my flavorite color!" Cyan stuttered in a derpy way. "Um, alright?" Emma replied? I'm not even sure at this point...

"Now, come on, cyan chapter squad, COMMENCE!" Ryan shouted again, placing his hand in the same motion once more. Cyan followed quickly, while the other two still didn't join the handshake. Cyan sighed and put on her best sad puppy eyes, "Pretty plez with a cherry on top?"

Her derpy and adorable side was a force to be reckon with, as no one ever seemed to resist it. Emma sighed and smiled at the duo, joining the handshake. Brent blushed a light pink and joined the handshake as well. "Now, let's dew dis!" Ryan exclaimed, receiving nods from the others.

~Magical Time skip because I'm too lazy to describe anything~

The four trainers stood there panting heavily. They never believed that packing a small temporary campsite would be that difficult. Well, it wasn't really as difficult as it was stressful.

The quartet was practically timed, having to go to the Violet City Pokemon Center for Brent's egg by the end of the day. It had to hatch healthily and that depended on them to go there. They couldn't mess up. The life of a soon-to-be born Pokemon rested on their hands.

After recollecting themselves, the quartet of trainers left the empty field, trying their best not to run at the speed of light and drop the egg.

Thankfully, they didn't. They arrived in Violet City in one piece, but didn't stop to look at the scenery or even take a deep breath. Cyan, Ryan, Emma and Brent went straight to the pokemon center, trying to ignore the exhaustion they were feeling.

The automatic clear blue doors of the healing center burst opened in front of them as the four rushed in, one after the other. Nurse Joy looked at the four wide eyed, before pouting angrily. "Have you four learned manners?!? Barging into a public place such as this is very rude, you know!"

"W-We're sorry, Nurse Joy, it's just that our friend here has an egg on the verge of hatching and we needed to bring it here!" Cyan stuttered, showing her Brent's egg. The nurse's eyes softened, still wide and worried. "Why didn't you say so? This is an emergency, follow me to the backroom at once!"

The four followed the pink haired nurse, who led them to a medical room in the back. "Which one of you has the egg?" Nurse Joy asked. The honey blond haired boy stepped forward. "I-I do!" He stuttered, nervous since he hadn't experienced anything like this before.

"Alright, hand over the egg. I'll put it in this machine so it can hatch safely." The pinkette told him. Brent nodded, handing over the pokemon egg. It was placed onto the machine, before beginning to glow.

It was shifting into a new shape, cracking sounds being heard. The newborn pokemon was a brown fox-like pokemon with cream fur and large, furry ears. It's legs were short and stubby, but very cute and fluffy. Its tail was the same brown color, turning cream at the end. It had a rough, messy tuft of hair, that it seemed to blow wind towards to get it out of its face.

It sounded like a regular old Eevee, huh? Well, it wasn't. It's eyes were not a reddish brown like most of the species, no, no. They were a dark blue. That Eevee was special.

The trainers' eyes were open wide and so were Nurse Joy's. "Okay, we have to tell Professor Oak about this." Cyan exclaimed, jolting off to call the old professor.

"Um, Professor?" Cyan asked through the phone. "Hello Cyan! Everything alright?" The professor asked. "Not really. The egg Professor Elm gave to Brent hatched into an Eevee with blue eyes" The girl explained. The old professor laughed. "Eevee's eyes can be many colors. Just because the most average color is brown doesn't mean blue is not natural."

The brunette sighed in relief. "Alright. Thanks, Professor! Talk to you again soon!" She chirped, hanging up the phone. Cyan walked back to her friends with a smile. "It's normal, just rare." She told them. The other two nodded. Brent did not. He was busy playing with the little guy.

The Eevee seemed to like a piece of blue cloth Brent had in his pocket, so he wrapped it around his fur, like a bandanna. "Now that I think about it, I never named you. What about Eclipse? Because your eyes are blue like the night sky" Brent told his new partner, trying to sound kind of smart and poetic. The pokemon nodded and licked his cheek.

"I hope we can become great friends, Eclipse. Welcome to the team." Brent smiled warmly, the pokemon inside the moon ball smiling.


I can not become any more obvious at this point. Anyways, yeah, I made a thing. I'm back, hi!

I made Eclipse's eyes blue. They will stay blue for ever and he'll be a unique pokemon. I wanted something unique and couldn't think of a nice excuse.

Anyways, new pokemon for Brent, hooray! Cyan Chapter Squad, references and me being a trashy and crappy author! Oh, yeah!


Pokemon Adventures Cyan Chapter 2: "A Journey to Johto!" *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now