Harmony(Harry and Hermione) Fanfic (Books 1-7) Chapter 1 Third Year

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Hermione's POV:
Third year was the most horrible, heart wrenching year I had ever had. The days passed slowly, with Harry and I giving each other the cold shoulder. I didn't feel horrible for the way I had treated him and I didn't want to apologise. He had hurt me too bad too many times. I was dating Draco and was very happy with him but it was heart wrenching because I couldn't be with Harry. But I didn't care about him anymore. He brought this on himself.

Draco's POV:
I had to get ready for kissing Pansy Parkinson and to see Granger being heart broken would bring joy to my heart. Ugh she was such a filthy little mudblood. I gelled my hair and fixed up my suit. I went out into the Grand Hall and onto the Slytherin table where I saw Pansy straight away. She was really the love of my life and I had told her so. I told her that I had to date Granger otherwise I wouldn't be able to kill her when the time was right. She understood. She's very caring that way. "Pansy love over here!" I called out. She saw me and immediately ran at me, giving me a great big hug. "Draco darling!" She cried. "I missed you!" "Wanna kiss me now?" I whispered temptingly in her ear. She whispered back "I would love nothing more" We kissed. It was soft and passionate. It was right in front of Granger as well. Her eyes filled up with tears but then her gaze hardened. She grabbed me by the collar and shoved me against the wall with her wand to my throat. "Malfoy!What the heck were you thinking?!?! I thought you were different. I thought you were the best boyfriend I ever had. But now.......well.......you're just like Harry!" "How dare you bring Potter into this?!" I spat out. She pressed the wand harder against my skin. "Don't make me use this Malfoy. Because I will" "Ooh what you gonna do, petrify me?" I taunted. "Petrificus Totalus!" She cried. I fell on the ground completely petrified, unable to move .

Hermione's POV:
After I saw Malfoy kissing Parkinson, I just fell into a state of depression. I had been betrayed by my boyfriend (Draco) and best friend (Harry). I wanted to commit suicide. "Yes" I said to myself. "I will commit suicide" I went into the kitchen and grabbed the biggest sharpest knife they had. I then went into the shared bathroom and started to stab myself. The pain was unbearable The blood came spilling out. It felt like ten million angry hornets kept stinging me over and over again. Just then Harry walked in. "Mione!" He cried. His face faded into blackness.

Harry's POV:
When I saw Hermione on the floor, lying there, unmoving, I just felt an unbearable rage that couldn't be contained. And all of that anger was directed at me. I had driven her to this. I had left her. But first I had to call a hospital and quickly. She was losing a lot of blood and I didn't want her to die. My face blurred up with tears. "Mione, it's gonna be ok. The ambulance is on its way. I....." I swallowed. Was I really ready to tell her this? "I love you. Please be ok" I laid on her limp unmoving body until the ambulance arrived and sobbed. Then all faded to black.

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