"Sail" [The Fallen Archangel] (M)

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Name: Reliniel

Nickname: Sail, Rel

Species: Fallen Archangel

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Sexuality: Unknown

Looks: Sail has spiky dark brown hair with a red streak through his bangs, and haunted, sad yellow eyes with feline pupils. Tall, tan, and with multiple scars across his body, the two most prominent ones are across his back, across the skin on either side of his spine, just before his shoulder blades. The scars cross over wing-like ridges on his back, where his actual wings used to be. They only protrude a few millimeters, of course. He typically wears a black t-shirt, a dark letterman jacket with a pair of gold wings designed onto the back, and a pair of dark blue jeans. He also wears black converse. He has two Heavenly Alloy manacles around his wrist, suppressing the majority of his powers.

Personality: Sail is well known as being cold and withdrawn, he can also be arrogant, and prideful, and downright rude. He has a temper and can be quite reckless, often seeming to have no regard for his own safety, sometimes even goading others into physical brawls with him. But if you look closely, you can see a broken, depressed, miserable being in a body that he doesn't like, on a planet, he doesn't want to be on. When you get close to him, however, you find yourself with a loyal friend willing to put his life on the line for you. If he falls for you, he becomes insanely protective, although it is hard for him to show his love.

Job/Position: Fallen Angel

Powers: Limited healing, the ability to 'smite' (on small scales), flame, light, and shadow manipulation. 


Mental: His pride and recklessness can cause him to get seriously injured.

Physical: Unlike the other angels, he can't fly.


Mental: He is incredibly intelligent.

Physical: To make up for his lack of flight, he is VERY fast and incredibly skilled in combat.

Likes: Star-gazing, quiet walks in the forest, the ocean, playing 'human' instruments. (The piano, mostly.)

Dislikes: Being bothered when he's doing something, being interrupted when he's speaking

Hates: Being insulted, unfairness

Turn-Ons: Unknown

Turn-Offs: Unknown

Other: He was thrown to Earth because he had fallen for someone another angel had eyes on. He was framed with a little girl he was charged with protecting, and accused of killing her to get him out of the other angels way, and was stripped of his wings, and cast to Earth. He vowed to get revenge on the one who caused him so much pain. Who that is, however, is up to you to find out.

Scenario 1
It was a dark, clear night, and there was supposed to be a meteor shower. It eventually started, but halfway through a rather large meteor shot over your house, slamming into the ground deep in the forest. Alarmed, you grabbed your flashlight and your coat, rushing out into the woods to find the source. When you do, you come across a large crater, and a 27-year-old man curled up in the center, wearing an old brown tunic, with a set of wings sewn into the fabric on his back. Two slits were cut in the material, and his back was soaked with blood and some strange silver substance. You...?


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