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Sitting here bound by my own made up chains.

Surrounded by my own made up voices.

Covered up by my own made up scars.

Terrified by my own made up memories.

Why am I allowing myself to suffer? Why am I imagining myself in brutal situations? Why do I want to feel broken?

Imagining myself being hurt, filling these dark empty walls with hurtful words, replacing the good with the bad.

Every time I'm stuck here, I question why.

I question myself.

I question who I am.

"Hey, you want to know why."

Looking up, I see my child self. Shining brightly with a gentle smile; approaching me with small steps and patting me gently with their small hand. Leaning closer, a small whisper brushed my ears that left me with widening eyes.

"Because you're perfect. You're not a human."

A bittersweet smile smudged their face as my child self-turned back to the glittering light.

"Cause are you really human if you never went through something bad in your life? Having no flaws, lived a life filled with perfection?"

My heart dropped.

"My older self, you're not real. You are an imaginary idea that was created in someone's mind."

Saying those last words the light dimmed and the room went eerie with darkness and silence. A small smile was all I did.

"That's right, I'm perfection in a dark mind."

-Inside the mind of our imaginary perfect self

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