The story

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AN: I'm dedicating this story to her for life begets life. Check out her stories guys! It's quite peculiar but in a good way. It's different from most stories that only rants about typical stuff. And of course for the first girl who actually dedicated something to me! It's so awesome of Her. Miss InkyScribbles ladies and gents!


Once upon a time, somewhere in old England, lived the most beautiful tree. Everyone was baffled by its glistening whiteness. It was like a torch in the darkness. Its leaves were made out of crystal and it even sprouted golden apples.

Legend has it, that there was a beautiful nymph who lived inside the white tree. She was the protector of the forest, the one who take care of that precious tree, preventing evil from ever clutching it. She never let anybody near her, in fear of being rob of her riches or of her destruction.

Some people even claims that they have seen a glimpse of the nymph's face in the tree trunk. But no one really believed it. Until one day, out of curiosity and fascination, a handsome boy came to her and miraculously, she let him near her to sit underneath her shade.

On the other hand, she too was curious why he was there when he didn't even try to rob her; instead he sung her a love song. She in return was amazed at how beautiful his voice was, since then on she fell in-love with him.

From that day on the boy-Ario visited her every day; talking about his adventures, his woes, all of his most inner thoughts and desires even when she never replied to him. Soon enough, the two fell in-love.

Ario would serenade her with his beautiful melody just so he could draw her out of her tree trunk. But that never happened; he could only have glimpses of her face by a precious chance.

Meanwhile, the village people were envious of his triumph over the nymph, thinking he was a wizard and so they condemned him. One night, they congregated, hatching a plan to destroy him and rob the nymph from all of her riches. They were so greedy that they would stop at nothing to achieve what they wanted.

On a cold dreary morning, the village people came to her with torches and rage. And as usual, Ario was by her side. They knew that she had a protective barrier around her that no one could pierce through all except Ario, unless they distract her.

Filo, who was jealous of his brother lied to Ario that their mother was deathly sick and that he was immediately needed at home. Ario hesitated, but the nymph whispered in his ears that he must aid his ailing mother. Though he was dubious of his elder brother's sincerity, he blindingly obeyed his beloved's wishes.

The moment he steps out from the protective barrier, Filo struck his younger brother almost close to Ario's heart.

The nymph howled in the most unimaginable sound of pain. The evil people instantaneously robbed her of her golden apples, crystal leaves and they even chopped some of her trunk to take the diamonds engraved within her. She didn't even try to defend herself, when all she cared about was her dying love.

Ario, although wounded, tried fighting off the men who tried mutilating her. He hugged her trunk protectively, desperately trying to shield her from his own people. When they were satisfied, they lighted the fire around the two lovers. But when the nymph saw that Ario was slowly turning to ashes, she released a gust of wind to stop the fired and tried to revive him. Her roots took his heart, burying it beside her.

For days the village folks were tortured by her tormented cries. Inevitably her lamentation attracted a very powerful creature; The Goddess of nature passed by and took pity on the two lovers, so she decided to give them another chance.

The Goddess let Ario grow into a handsome young tree. Unlike the nymph's he was shrouded with a golden beauty for the courage and love he had for the nymph. As for the nefarious people and Filo, the Goddess plagued them with sickness and famine.

Centuries passed and to whoever visited and came to know their love story was touched and amazed that their branches were intertwined like a mortal's holding hand and right in the middle of them was a shape like a heart conveying to the world how much they loved each other even after an eternity.

The end


AN: So yeah, that's my entry for @Crazy_author23

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word count: 732

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