Day One: Monday

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Buffy Summers, the vampire Slayer, was running, running like she had never done before. It was night, however the pale light of the full moon lighted the night sky. The cool air flowing over her skin made her want to shiver. She found that she was being chased through the wooded area of Weatherly Park in the town of Sunnydale, where she lived and fought the forces of evil. What was chasing her was not a person but a creature. The creature was not a vampire but a creature of a different kind: a werewolf. Buffy was not fast enough to get away. It was beginning to gain on her. She imagined it breathing down her neck.

     Suddenly Buffy was violently shoved aside from her left and out of the werewolf's path. She rolled over her left shoulder, landing firmly on her feet in a crouch. Turning in the direction of the werewolf, she saw a girl, no more than two years her senior, clad in black from head to toe.  Buffy watched in horror as the werewolf began to advance on the other girl. The girl stood her ground, not moving. With a quick whip of her hand, the girl pulled something out from behind her shoulder: a crossbow. She aimed it squarely at the oncoming werewolf. As it was about to leap onto her she pulled the trigger.  A flash of silver gleamed as the arrow flew true to its course at its intended target. It hit the werewolf point blank on the chest, piercing its heart. The werewolf dropped to the forest floor, hard, withering in agony, howling.
Buffy awoke abruptly from her nightmare by the sound of her mother pounding on her door.

     "Buffy Ann Summers wake up! Your alarm clock has been going off for 20 minutes. You're going to be late for school," Buffy's mother demanded.
     "Okay, okay, mom I'm up, "Buffy replied, the nightmare still spinning through her mind's eye. She reached over to her nightstand and slapped the alarm silent.

     The radio was still on and the music playing was rather eerie sounding. The voice said,
*"Night I left the city,
I dreamt of a wolf."

     She did a double take. That was very weird, she thought. Those two lines from the song almost paralleled her situation. And boy did it give her the wiggins. She had left the city, namely LA and now she had dreamt of the wolf. Well sort of, the nightmare was about a werewolf. It gave her chills. She shut off the radio, she had heard enough.

     Glancing at the clock as she switched off the radio, she realized she was going to be late for school if she did not hurry. Jumping out of bed, then practically vaulting to the bathroom and into the shower. When she was finished, she toweled off and dried her hair. She went back to her room, dressed quickly in a pair of faded blue jeans and a snug blouse. Buffy ran down the stairs, grabbed a piece of toast from the kitchen, told her mom, "see ya later," and out the door she went.

* Line from the song "Cry Wolf"/album Scoundrel Days/group: A-HA.


When Buffy arrived at school it was only a few minutes until her first class started. She passed the bench that she met with Willow and Xander every morning before school started. They were not there. She also had wanted to speak with Rupert Giles, the school librarian and secretly her Watcher but it would have to wait to later. Right now she had to hurry to class.

      As Buffy passed a window overlooking the school's parking lot she caught a glimpse of a figure dressed in black parking a motorcycle. She had not the time to really take a hard look , however the figure was the girl from her nightmare.

     Buffy made it to the room of her first class just before the bell rang. She sat down next to Willow Rosenberg, one of her best buds, a little out of breath.
     "Where were you this morning, Buffy?" Willow asked worriedly.
     "Over slept," Buffy answered simply.
     "Oh," Willow said, leaving it at that.

The Silver-Tipped Arrow: A Buffy the Vampire Slayer StoryWhere stories live. Discover now