Day Ten: Wednesday

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Midnight had passed and Buffy, Angel and Robin were still waiting. A few minutes more had passed and still nothing happened. They were beginning to get anxious. Buffy wanted to act now but they could not until they knew for sure which were werewolves and which were human.
Another couple of minutes passed and a lone individual walked into the clearing. Buffy, Angel, Robin recognized him immediately. It was Cyrus Berwyn. Besides his graying temples were dead giveaways.
     Cyrus Berwyn walked into the center of the gathering. Spreading his arms out wide he spoke in a booming voice, "Tonight my children we feast upon this town!"
     "Not if I have anything to say about it, "Buffy vowed from their lookout.
     "I second that, "Robin said.
     When the Leader finished his little speech some of the people gathered looked confused and a little frightened.
     "I knew there was civilians with them, "Buffy said irritated.
     "We'll have a better chance of getting them out if we wait until they start changing," Robin suggested.
     "Good plan," Angel agreed.


Berwyn dropped his arms and said, "It's time my children!"
     Berwyn lowered himself to the ground, kneeling on one foot, hands flat to the ground. All of his minions followed suite. Their bodies began to shake as if having a seizure. Their bodies began to slowly reform into human size wolves. Hair grew longer and all over their bodies. Their heads reshaped into wolf heads. Teeth elongated and sharpened. Claws tore forth from their fingers.


     "Now!" Robin yelled.
     Buffy, Angel and Robin bolted from their hiding place 'weapon ready.'
     As they neared the center of the clearing they shouted for the people standing around in shock to run. "Run Everyone! Get out of the park! Now!"
     They did not responded at first but Buffy, Angel and Robin began to herd them in the right direction. A horrifically amplified howl went up in the night. Then suddenly one of them was attacked, ripped to shreds, devoured. At that point they took off, running away like frightened deer.   Thereafter another one was grabbed, a girl. Buffy was there and pulled the terrified girl away and fired her crossbow, killing the werewolf.

     With the civilians out of the way the three fighters of good focused on taking-out the werewolves. Buffy and Robin, reminded one of the Earps at the Okay Corral, firing off silver tipped arrows with their crossbows.   The arrows gracefully sailing through the air to intended targets. Robin also was firing her revolver loaded with silver bullets. Angel was using the dagger Michael had given him with the same principle as a stake. A few well placed punches, kicks and sweeps, then driving the dagger home through the heart. The process was working beautifully.
     However for every werewolf put down another took its place.
     At that unexpected moment forms emerged from the tree and bushes surrounding the clearing. Buffy noticed them after putting down another werewolf by driving an arrow through its heart with a reverse sidekick. These forms focused into not human or werewolves, but vampires.
     "Heads up!" Buffy yells at Angel and Robin who looked up and saw the vampires.
     "What are they doing here?" Robin yells back at Buffy as she aims, pulling the trigger of her revolver, firing.
     "Clueless!" Buffy responded.
     "Double the Trouble!" Angel yells to Buffy as he slashes a werewolf's throat, avoiding its claws. This reminded Buffy of their conversation at the Bronze.
     "Maybe! I doubt they're here to watch the show. We'll have to wait and see!" Buffy yelled back in between a punch and a kick.


At the library Michael abruptly stopped speaking in the middle of a sentence while talking to Willow and Xander. For a moment, there was total silence. Giles looked up from his research then went over to the others. Michael dropped to the floor of the library cage clutching his sides and moaning in pain.
     "Michael!" Willow exclaimed, moving towards the cage.
     "STAY AWAY!" Michael growled as Xander and Giles grabbed Willow by her shoulders, pulling her back from the cage.
     Willow, Xander and Giles watched in stunned horror as Michael changed from a man to a beast. His body convulsed and shook as it reformed itself. The transformation took only a few moments and the Michael they knew was no longer there but a human sized wolf. The creature reared its head, letting out an ear-piecing howl, sending shivers down the backs of the three on the other side of the cage.

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