Arin and danny

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Arin pov

I woke up in the grump romm wth dan next to me sleeping. I checked my phone, it was 4:00 am 'late ill wake dan' i thought . I tuned around about to wake dan up but befor i could i rememered what happend 'wow i got upset over a game' i  tap dan enough for him to wake up " hi arin why are we asleep in the gaming room" i shrugged and said " i thought you would know" dan then had the face of relization "you got upset yesterday you must of got tired" i thought so, wait did he call me big cat  " dan did you call me big cat  " dan then relized i was talking "umm ye i call you that when you are destressed" i started to blush and look away "thanks dan" i turn around to face the other way to then be hugged by dan "its ok arin comeon" i then get picked up by dan. Dan started to walk out the grump room and i just started to relax into dan.  

Dans pov

When i got outside the building i put arin down and said " hey arin wanna come over my place?" he nodded his head so i took him to my car and we headed for my place. When we got to my place i pulled up and me and arin walked out i locked my car and we headed indoors "so arin what do yo want to do" "idk you pick" i thought for a bit then i had it "movie" arin nodded and i picked a movie that waset to scary by the looks of it. Me and arin sat on the sofer and watched it. After the movie i told After it was over so he'd get off me "wanna make dinner" "ok " me and arin walked to the kitchen and made dinner "umm arin wanba sleep over" arin turned around to me and said "yes i would love that" after makung dinner we sat on the table to eat.

Arins pov

The rest of the day was like any other day we played games and enjoyed ourself but it was gettin late so it was time to head to bed "dan its getting late we should get ready for our sleep over" dan nodded and we head upstairs and got our stuff ready for a fun night with dan.

(this chapter was longer but not that much so do you what short chapters relesed regularly or mediam chapters relesed not a regularly)

Word count : 430

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