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Of course Colin Maverick didn't drive a simple car.

No, he had a classic black Ford Mustang with white stripes. I'd only ever seen him drive his motorcycle, which was an old model, I was sure.

"Holy shit," I gasped as we met up to his car. "This is yours?"

He gave a subtle nod.

"What year is it?"

He opened his door and then reached over the console to unlock the passenger door. I climbed inside and the smell of old leather and cologne surrounded me. The leather of the seats were slightly cracked, but that was a given considering how old the car looked. Still, it was in great shape considering its age.

Colin started the car up. 1970, he signed before grabbing the steering wheel. He pulled out of the parking space and left the library. The rain had cleared up for the most part, only a light drizzle was happening now.

The windshield wipers made a noise like plastic was rubbing on more plastic with each swipe.

For the most part, Colin drove with his eyes only on the road. He looked at me through the corner of his eye several times, hand tight on the stick shift. It seemed he wanted to say something, but couldn't sign and drive at the same time. Why didn't he just talk? Everyone said he could.

Changing gears, he turned left, onto Old River road.

"So...um...thanks for this," I murmured. "The ride."

He nodded. He stopped at a stop light and I spotted the Stop & Go on the left corner far ahead.

"I wasn't kidding about what I said earlier. I notice you around more. At first it felt like coincidences, but I don't know. I think it's deeper than that."

He raised his hands. Coincidences.

"I don't believe that. First you, now Felix? I have never seen two Maverick's in one place unless they're riding around town or looking to start trouble. Especially not at a library."

He frowned at me. Don't compare me to him or any of the fucking Mavericks.

I frowned in return. "I wasn't comparing you. I'm just saying. You're under the same roof as the Mavericks. I'm sure you see and hear a lot of shit. I also heard Big Mav hasn't appointed anyone to be VP because he's waiting for you to step up."

He scoffed. Well he'll be waiting a long fucking time.

The stop light switched to green and he grabbed the wheel again, pulling off and switching gears. I looked down and his grip was so tight I could see the print of his knuckles. They'd reddened his skin. I picked my head up and his jaw was clenched now. Shit, what did I say?

He finally pulled up to Stop & Go, putting the car in park. Releasing the wheel, he signed, You should stay away from Felix.

"Why does it matter?"

He's not who he used to be. His face strained, like he was debating whether to continue the conversation. He did. He's kissing Big Mav's ass. Wants to be VP—probably Prez one day. He's having this mini war with me because he knows I could easily have the spot over him. I don't trust him.

I sighed. "I don't think Felix would hurt me. He was very close with my brother. He was like family to us."

Colin frowned and huffed hard through his nostrils, turning toward me and grabbing my wrist. His grasp wasn't too tight and his fingers were slightly rough, on the border of complete manhood. When he let me go, he said, Just...stay away from him. He wasn't at the library looking for a fucking book. He was there to piss me off.

"Why?" I demanded, brows dipping. I looked him all over, noticing the dark-brown flecks deep in his irises. His lips were supple and pink, and with his hair wet, it appeared darker, curlier.

Because he knows I'm trying to help people. Be good.

"Why do you suddenly want to help me so much?"

He lowered his gaze. Just...seems like you need help. Everyone does.

"Well, I'm fine, Colin, but if I feel like I need a bodyguard, I'll keep you in mind." I grabbed my bag and pushed out of the car. When I was out, I bent over to peer inside the car, finding his eyes.

Lifting my hands, I signed, If you want to hang out with me, just say so. Don't stalk me like some loser, especially on a dark path. It's freaking creepy.

At that, he cracked a smile, head shaking. I saw a glimpse of his teeth and they were white and straight. It made him look softer, boyish. Adorable almost.

Go to work, he signed, then grabbed the steering wheel.

I smirked and closed the door, taking several steps back and watching him drive away. The rain started to come down in heavy, dense droplets and I turned quickly, rushing into the store.

The bell chimed and as I came in, Cory was walking around the counter, staring right at me. "You're catching rides with Mavericks now?" he asked, raising a brow and folding his arms.

"It was raining, Cory, and he was at the library. Offered to give me a ride. It's no big deal."

Cory looked me up and down as I walked around him. I dropped my bag behind the counter and went straight for the tray of chips on the counter.

"I'm not kidding around, Sienna. Don't get sucked into that mess. Forget about that kid."

"It's fine, Cory. Trust me, I know how the Mavericks are and I know not to trust them. At least I'm here, right?"

His head shook as he walked behind the counter again. "Yeah, and you're lucky," he grumbled. "Make sure you don't take anything they offer. Don't take money or drugs or any of that shit."

"Drugs!? Cory, seriously? Listen to yourself!" I laughed.

"Hey, I'm just saying! Once they find out what you like and need, that's how they own you. Don't give that Maverick boy that kind of power."

"Yeah, yeah." I waved him off and went to the chip aisle to start stacking chips, but like always, Cory's words had gotten to my head. Colin wanted something, or at least wanted to tell me something and the only way I was going to find out was by hanging out with him more often and getting the right opportunity to ask.

I knew Cory was right, though. Being close to any kind of Maverick was dangerous, because with Colin came the rest of the gang. He was their prince, and just like any kingdom with soldiers and guards, their prince had to be watched and protected at all costs.

Even if the prince didn't realize he was being watched.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2018 ⏰

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