You'll Never Know

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A/N: The song used in this chapter is called "Time" by Battleme. Listen to it to catch Demi's vibe.

She looked good. And I mean really good. Gracie was crazy about her. I smiled as I watched the two year old run as fast as her little legs would carry her into Demi's arms. I watched as Demi scooped her up and hugged her tightly. Her smile was beautiful. I frowned slightly as I watched Gracie reach out for Naya. The Latina smiled and kissed her forehead as the toddler giggled. She was also very fond of Demi's girlfriend. I didn't dislike Naya, she was a wonderful person. Sometimes I just wished I was her. I missed Demi.

"Hey!" Demi said loudly as Nate and I walked toward her.

"Hey Dem." Nate said as he gave her a quick hug. "Naya." He smiled as he kissed her cheek.

"How was your flight?" Naya asked as she hugged me.

"It was good. Gracie did well." I said smiling at the Latina.

Demi passed Gracie off to Naya and wrapped me up in a tight embrace. It surprised me a bit. It had been a very long time since she had held me like this. There was a difference between a hug and being held. She was holding me. "Hi." She said smiling as she released me.

"Hi." I said blushing.

"Shall we?" Nate asked.

"After you, ugly." Demi responded.

Demi and Nate stood by the baggage claim waiting for the luggage while Naya and I loaded Gracie into Demi's truck.

"She looks really good." I said referring to Demi.

"I got her to cut back on the drinking." Naya replied. "She was pretty miserable for a bit."

I swallowed. "Yeah I noticed."

"She's gotten so big!" Naya said changing the subject.

"I know. She's amazing." I said smiling.

"Demi adores her. She's constantly talking about her."

"I'm sure if she could talk she'd contantly talk about Demi." I laughed.

Several minutes later, Demi and Nate appeared carrying the luggage. I listened to their playful banter as they loaded it into the back of the truck. I laughed when I noticed Nate trip Demi as they walked toward the front of the truck.

"You little bastard!" She laughed as she quickly caught her balance.

"It's not my fault you're clumsy." He said grinning.

"Whatever." She said as she climbed into the driver side of the truck.

"Hey baby." Nate said giving me a quick peck as he joined Gracie and I in the backseat.

"Vamos!" Naya said as Demi pulled away from the airport.

I noticed the way Demi held Nayas hand as she drive down the road. I felt a stab of jealousy when she brought her knuckles up to her lips and kissed them gently. That used to be me. Nate and I were doing ok, we had drifted a little since Gracie's birth. We weren't as affctionate as we used to be and I found myself constatbly craving being touched. He was very busy with work and I'm a full time mom. It gets lonely sometimes.

More often than not, I found myself thinking about Demi. I remember her hands and how well they knew me. I remembered the way her fingertips felt as she drug them across my stomach. I remembered the way they would firmly grip my hips. I remember how gently she would touch my face. She broke my heart and I was married to her brother, yet I still wanted her. Badly.

It was hectic when we arrived at the ranch. Everyone wanted to see Gracie and Nate and I had a lot of luggage to unpack. We were staying for the entire summer. At least I was. Nate had to make several trips back to Chicago throughout our stay. It wouldn't surprise if he cuts his time here short. He was so distant lately. Once I finished getting unpacked I made my way downstairs to join the rest of the family. Shane and Demi were playing with Gracie an Nate was outside on his phone.

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