When The Stars Rain Down

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Zion Farcry's p.o.v.

Their I was, on a Friday night at Frankie's, sitting at the bar drinking my shot of Patron, listening to the song "Good Vibrations by The Beach Boys" playing over the jukebox, all just another day in my life.

I'm a son of a WW2 vet and a single father, my father was a high ranking soldier, he was known under the code name "White Wolf", he'd get called for duty alot in snowy areas, so he blended in with the environment like a ghost and would secure kills with flying colors.

I hold the dogtags that hang around my neck that say "Dominguez Farcry"

I'm a father, father of a 7 year old girl named Elizabeth Farcry, shes mu world and will always be, and ever since her mom died, my wife, I had to be her mom too.

I'm also a military man myself, I've rolled with the best of my time, I've served with multiple speacial forces and was one of the best of my classes.
Black Ops, Ghost Reconnaissance, and an Anti-terrorism operative.

Most of all, I'm just a man, sitting a bar, in a town, in the state of Alaska, not to mention the bar looks like a snow covered, run down, abandoned, wooden shack, in the middle of no where.

But with all of that, it's still peace and quiet.

"Hey Mr. Farcry"

I turn around to see my neighbor from next door Ronald Weston.

Zion: Mr. Weston, well isnt this a surprise, is your wife finally letting you off the leash tonight?

He laughs

Ronald: yes yes, she said that I should take a break, so she said i should go somewhere where i can relax while she watched the kids.

Zion: and going to the bar is your fun night out?

Ronald: if I was a teen again then maybe I wouldn't be here, I'm just a 32 year old man with a wife and 3 kids with a well paying job, I sure this is the meaning of fun when it comes to people like us.

Zion: people like us huh?..., I guess your right

Ronald sits next to him and they both turn forward.

Ronald: scotch on the rocks please

Ronald says to the bartender

Bartender: sure thing

Ronald: thank you

Ronald looks at Zion

Ronald: so where's Beth

Zion: She went to go stay at Sara's house for the weekend.

Ronald: I see

The bartender brings Ronald the glass of Scotch. Ronald turns to me looking at his drink, he holds the glass and swirls the alcohol and ice together with the motion he moves his glass.

Ronald: how are you, Zion?...

Zion sighs

Zion: Ronald, not today, I'm not in the mood to talk about anything ok

Ronald: it's been 3 years Zion, let us help you atleast.

Zion: I dont need help, I just want to be left alone with my daughter, shes all I have and i wanna keep it that way.

Ronald: but Zion...

Zion: I appreciate the offer Mr. Weston, but I'm going to decline your help. This conversation is over, I'll see you sunday for the Town Meeting.

Ronald gets up and looks down in disappointment and walks away.

I look at my drink, realizing that my arms were tensed up and my hands had a firm grip on the glass.

A few hours passed and was ready to leave the bar, I've had enough of the smells cigars and alcohol today.

I head back home and hang my jacket on the coat hanger. As I walked to my living room I thought about what Ronald said. I understand, I really do, hes just another guy that's really nice that wants to help out a friend, but I cant just take things from people, even if their kind of heart, I appreciate their kindness but I cant, the only thing that matters is myself and my daughter. As I got to the living room I sit on my soft chair and turned on the tv, but I just turn it on for the noise, not for the entertainment, for I fall asleep in that comfortable chair.

It's the next morning and the bird were chirping in the cold morning in Alaska. I go outside to bring in the mail that I get every morning on Saturdays. I get to my mail box and open it to see a letter, I grab it and go to my kitchen and open the letter.

I read the letter as shown

Dear, Zion Farcry

        You have been selected to be apart of our 1st ever event, hopefully it will grow to have more for many years to come as an annual event, you will be paid a currency of 1000000 dollars for staying at an uninhabited island for a month with everything you'll need to survive. In the envelop their is a card with an address to where you need to go for our first meeting to were you'll meet another participant representing the state of Alaska. We hope to have you their.

Ah and one last thing, anything you do at the island is completely legal, their are now laws, no rules, everything is free of charge and risk.

Have a nice day

          Sincerely, Player

This is not what I expected, I thought Elizabeth's phone bill came in or something, but this?, ...but this.... does sound interesting. It could really help my money problem alot and I can give Beth the life I've always wanted to give her..., what she deserves.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2018 ⏰

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