#6 - Parents don't approve Part 2

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Zayn: You sat up in the depths of your room, hugging your knees and crying softly into nearby pillows. You were so humiliated! You couldn’t believe your parents did that and spoke to him like that! Your face was red with embarrassment, your cheeks were damp and stained with tears and you were facing that fact you might not ever see Zayn again. You shouldn’t care about what your parents say. Your thoughts were interuppted when you hear light tapping on your window. But thats impossible, your two floors up. You crawl over to your window and watch as the small flying pebbles are being tossed at your window. You open it, dodging a pebble as it darts through the open window and into the room. You poke your head out to see Zayn standing down by the trees and tossing pebbles up at the window. You smile to yourself and check to make sure your door is closed. “Zayn?” You whisper down, loud enough for him to hear but not your parents. “Y/N! Thank god! My arm was starting to hurt!” Zayn sighs and drops the handful of rocks by his feet. “What are you still doing here?!”. “Well…look can you come down here?” He pleads softly. You hesitate before heading to your door and checking your parents were still asleep. You tip-toe down the stairs and out the front door, leaving it slightly open so it would click shut and wake everyone up. You practically sprint around the back of the house to meet with Zayn. He grins widely as he takes you up in his arms. “Zayn, I am so sorry about my parents! They have no idea what they’re talking about. But all that stuff they said, they don’t bother me. I love your tattoo’s! I love you, Zayn!” You whisper into his shoulder. “We should run away” Zayn says suddenly, completely out of the blue. “What?”. “Yeah, run away with me, please. We’ll be the couple who doesn’t care what people think. I can’t just pretend like this doesn’t matter to me but…I love you and I will always love you. Please, run away with me” He pleads, kissing the backs of your hands softly. You look at your house with one glance and finally decide. Looks like you need to start packing…

Harry: “Dad!” You cry, shutting him up. He’d just told Harry to get out, but here you two are, clutching at each others hands nervously. “May I have a word with you, Harry?” Your mother says softly. You nod at Harry before he follows your parents into the kitchen. You turn and glare at your sister. “Why the hell did you just say that?!” You snap, slamming your hands on the table. She rolls her eyes and leans back in her chair, “They were going to find out sooner or later”. “Y/S/N, this isn’t funny! I actually love this guy! Why is it that ever since i’ve started dating him, you’ve gone all moody and bratty!” You sigh, running a hand through your hair stressfully. “Uh, maybe because you shouldn’t be dating him!” She spits back, narrowing her eyes at you, “You were never the one to get all the attention, so what. Now you’ve got this celebrity boyfriend which you don’t deserve! I’m the older sister! Your much younger then him! I should be with Harry, not you! Your just some stupid fan that thought she had a chance!” Your sister shouts, not bothering to think that everyone else in the bloody neighborhood would hear. “Y/S/N, listen…for once I had this one chance to be with this guy i’m in love with! Can you leave me alone for a change! Let me be damn happy, Y/S/N!” You shout back, as equally loud. You storm off into the kitchen and grab Harry’s hand. “Mum, dad. Yes Harry was a bit of a slut—” “Hey…” Harry mumbles and you ignore him. “But I love him now, and he has changed. Believe it or not I love him and we don’t care what you think. So when you guys have grown up like the adults you should be, you can call me then. But until then, goodbye!”

Liam: “What—-mum! Dad! Liam! What?!” You try to process all the information buzzing around you. First, your parents accuse Liam of being distraction. Second, he asked your father to marry you. And thirdly, what the hell is going on?! You turn to Liam, who hung his head, ashamed. “What is going on?! Is this about my schooling or about Liam cause i’m confused!” Your eyes dart back and forth between Liam, by your side, and your parents, practically on the other side of the room to you. “T-they think i’m a distraction to your education” Liam spoke up softly and your mother scoffs. “It is not just that, Liam, you aren’t as…immature as her other boyfriends have been—” “Hang on, mum. So firstly, you yell at my boyfriends for not being mature enough, but now Liam is too sensible?!” You yell, completely frustrated and confused. Liam always seemed like the perfect guy to bring home to your parents. “It’s not that, Y/N. We just…think you two should get to know each other a bit more before Liam comes and asks to marry you!” “Did you ever think that maybe we don’t need your blessing! I love Liam and i’ll get married to him whether you say yes or not! I love him, mum. And if i’m happy, then you should be happy!”

Niall: “Wait, are you sure you know what your doing?” Niall questions as you storm out the front door with him. “Nope. But we’re not staying here…lets just go…lets just go and meet your parents!” You plead as you fish for Niall’s keys in his pocket and unlocks the car. “Y/N…we’ve already met my parents” Niall chuckles. You can’t believe how much he wasn’t worried about this. Your parents practically look down on Niall. And here he was, sitting here like nothing was wrong. “Y/N—” “Just drive, Niall. I don’t want to be here” You stare out the windshield as tears brew in your eyes. Niall obliges and quickly starts to drive off into the distance. “Y/N, listen…I know your parents don’t like me right now, but you dad just told me that he loved me. He told me, sure, my stories could be cut down a little bit. But he promised to talk some sense into your mum” You stare at Niall in shock as he grins on. “Look, we’ll go back to your parents later and i’ll tell them the adorable story of our first date. They’re bound to fall in love with that one!”

Louis: “I promise, sir, I love your daughter so much and would never think of hurting her like I had Eleanor. Please” Louis pleads. It was the cutest thing, but at the wrong moment. Your parents were fuming, your sister was cowering in the corner, ashamed at what she had brought up for discussion. You shot her a glare and turned to our parents. “Mum, dad, please. Louis would never do that. What he’s saying is true! He broke up with her because he was in love with me! He left a committed relationship for me! Doesn’t that prove anything!” You say as you pull Louis closer to you. “Yes, it proves that this boy is not committed to anyone! Let alone you!” Your father practically shouts. “He is committed to me! Can’t you see that?! Ugh! Fine! Now you understand why I never bring any home to you guys, because you judge them and pick them apart piece by piece! Well whatever, i’m done with you guys! I love Louis, and we’re leaving!” And with that, you grab Louis’s hand and start to pull him toward the door. As soon as it’s slammed shut behind you, Louis reaches down and kisses you passionately. “Thank you, babe. I love you so much”.


Now before you all say 'I have seen this one before,' i have a confession that i got this from tumblr, so this isn't how amazing my writing is.


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