Whiskey - TBS Imagine

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sorry if there's any spelling errors <3

I couldn't handle it anymore.

After my boyfriend Thomas couldn't find any acting gigs, he started to stress. And when he was stressed, he drank. It started slowly, but then it got to the point where he'd probably choose a beer over me.

Like some people, he got very aggressive while drunk. Both verbally and physically. Sometimes if he was really drunk he would slap me, but then try to make up for it. But he'd also say some mean things; I just wanted to end things. I prepared myself for tomorrow. Tomorrow would be the day I'd break up with him.

Hopefully he'd be sober enough for me to talk without him yelling in my face. I loved him so much, but I couldn't live like this anymore.

{time skip to tomorrow}

I was super nervous. My palms were sweating perfuously. I had been preparing myself in the mirror. Luckily, Thomas was home, and sober. I walked into the living room of our  apartment. My knees were trembling. It was time.
Thomas: hey babe!

y/n: Thomas, I think we need to talk.

Thomas: ok, what about?

y/n: We need to break up. I can't handle your drinking. Sometimes you'd say the meanest things to me. You have even slapped me. Everyday you tell me you will change. But you don't, you f*cking don't. I don't want to be with someone that will constantly hurt me. And you. You need help Thomas. YOU CAN'T KEEP DRINKING, IT'S NOT SOLVING ANY PROBLEMS. Just, know, that I will always love you. We just need this for right now.

Wait for a part 2 to see Thomas' response

THOMAS BRODIE SANGSTER IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now