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I've only lived in two places my whole life I was born in Austin Texas and lived there until I turned six when my parents got divorced and my mom decided to continue with her curier as a zoologist and veterinarian. So she moved me and my twin brother down to la Provincia de Misiones Argentina. Where we lived at Iguazú National park and animal sanctuary in my opinion the best place to live. Here we lived for ten years while learning about and growing with the animals it was the best distraction because after the divorce me and my brother where diagnosed with I.E.D. Two years after we moved we were doing excellent in school and found out we had a Eidetic memory which made thing easier because by the time we were ten we already knew everything there is to know about the animals in the sanctuary and many other animals from both land and sea. We had a huge secret we were part of the oldest and most powerful family of witches and wizard that dated back to 1200 B.C and contrary to popular belief we have always used our power for good. We are nature's servants, we maintain the order and balance between the land of the living and the land of the dead. So while we learned about ancient civilizations and their culture we also learned about our ancestors as well as magic spells, potions, and natural remedies. we also learned how to speak nine different languages. when we got here we met another family of magicians as we call ourselves they are the Flynns originally they were our families sister tribe one but neither of the tribes are recorded in mondane history because it's important that the secret is kept from humans. Anyway the Flynns have a son that is two years older than us and a daughter who's our age and we've become great friends around them we can be ourselves. My mom started dating a man that she used to know back in Texas and they reconnected because of a conference she gave about a program that lasts three months in Iguazu national park and animal sanctuary where freshman spend the summer before sophomore year where they get to learn and work with animals apparently his son is a freshman and he goes to one of the school where the program is offered and he plans on attending the program this summer so they got to talking and started dating. They have been talking and going on dates for almost a year now and my mom wants us to meet him and his son while they are here for the animal salvation program. What happens next keep reading and find out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2018 ⏰

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