Chapter 15 magazine??

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-Luke's preview

I came home with Caroline and we were so tired from fishing that we didn't even make it up to our room we just crashed in the living room.

(Next morning)

I wake up and my phone goes off. I answer it and it was the people magazine the photo person they were just reminding me that the magazine photo shoot was gonna to be today. We they hung up,I yelled CRAP and that made Caroline jump awake.

"Baby why are you yelling?" she asked and I told her every thing she nodded her head and went to wake up the children. Bo came down in a red T-shirt and jeans,Tatum came down in a blue T-shirt and jeans then Hunter and Jesse came down in basketball shorts and shirts. "Daddy why are waking us up so early'' Bo asked 'well i had to take y'all outta school because we have a picture day here at the house" I told him " And Bo its 11:30 its not early" Jesse added on. She was holding sleepy Tate who was rubbing his eye trying to stay awake. "did y'all stay up last night?'' Caroline asked them "yeah" Bo and Tate both said " i couldn't sleep" Tate confesses "yeah so i put a movie in for us to watch" Bo added " and we stayed up for the hole movie well for two movies" Bo said some more. Tate yawned really big causing Bo to yawn. "are the magazine people take pictures of me" Jesse asked "well yeah your our little girl" I answered her. She handed Tate to me and went to get dressed. Then they were here so we toke pictures of the boys with me holding them and some of them playing or jumping off the couch. They asked questions and the boys would answer some or i would answer them. Hunter and Jesse were up stairs. Then i toke picture with Bo and Tate at the drum set we have. They also toke pictures of me and Caroline They asked about some pictures of Me,Kelly and Chris so i showed them and told them the hole story about what happened. Bo was banging on the drums with Tate while we were answering questions. After that they wanted me to explain who Jesse was and were she came from so we had Jesse down here talking with us. they also asked Jesse a lotta questions!

people- Where are you from Jesse

Jesse- Lane,Oklahoma

people- what were your real parents names

jesse- I don't want to answer that

people- Okay do you have any siblings

Jesse- Only Bo and Tate

people- is it true that you were Micheal Carter Luke's guitar players kid

jesse- I once was

people- Do you love your new family

jesse- Stupid question of course i do

people- do you go to school

Jesse- Well duh!

people- Okay were done here

Jesse- good

She left and they asked more quesions about why i left Georgia and do i like my Job after all of tha was done they wanted pictures of Jesse and the boy tougher and pictures of Jesse alone. We agreed while Caorline was helping Jesse get ready i played with the boys i helped Tate with his T-ball and the photo people were taking pictures and setting up from Jesse's pictures. Jesse came out and she was ready i hope..........


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