297 22 3

"you're welcome"

Mina POV

I finished the porridge and went to my bedroom to get ready.

I guess I lived and its not poisoned

Then I see the human sized Standee beside my bed.

"hmm.. wait a minute.. OH!!??" I said in a surprise

"No way.. there's no way in hell that-"

"Kinda looks like him though?"

"Nah.. that's impossible

I just ignore the weirdness and hectic that's going on in this morning and get ready to work.

Im currently working at a cafe with Lucas

Me and Lucas are friends but we haven't hangout (like what we used to) in about 3 months because he's been busy with taeyeon of course..

while wiping the tables, I can see him preparing the coffee machines.

one second I can see his jaw line
also his muscular body

god why is he for someone else ㅠ

"Good morning"

and Oh.. our beAUtiful Loyal costumer Just arrived..

who else than the oNe aNd oNly..

she just came here to drink her coffee and flirting with her boyfriend right here

find somewhere else and someone else please


Im at home and feeling Tired

I clean myself up and Go to the kitchen to find something to eat.

I opened the fridge and there's a box filled with cooked bulgogi, kimchi and rice.


while taking it out, there's a note behind it

"Make sure to heat it up for 3-4 minutes before you eat it ♡"

I put the box inside the microwave and heat it up for 4 minutes.

"this is crazy.. who put this? the mystery guy this morning?"

"but there's no one though.."

beep~ beep~

the microwave has finished heating it up.

I take it out and decided to try it out.

I only lived once.. again.. if I die then I die :/

"Woah.. its so good Hey! who ever made this Thank you" I said it pretty loud.

after finished eating the food from the mysterious person

I jumped to my bed and relax myself.

and fell asleep..

"You're welcome again. You deserves it"


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