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June 16th. Arthur.

There was a knock on the front door. Amilick has returned home.

I squeezed the pages of the book I read in the living room, but didn't get up from the sofa.

"How are you?" Amilick ran into the living room, sat next to me on the couch and smiled happily.

"Where did you spend the night?"


"Where did you sleep, fucking hell!" I threw the book on the floor and got up from the couch, looking straight at my twin. "Where did you sleep two fucking nights?!"

"Calm down," Amilick said, a little scared. "On the night of the party, I spent the night with Madeleine."


"With Connie," her sister blushed. No no no!

"What?! Amilick, can I ask a question?"

"Come on." 

"Why the hell did you ask me to back home, and then just ingoring me the whole time?"

"Listen, what's wrong with that?" Amilick also got up.

"My sister fucks with my best friend!" I dramatically waved my hands. "Indeed, what's wrong with that?!"

"We did not have anything!" Sister screamed, "And in general, THIS IS MY LIFE."

"That's it! Live your life, but do not go into mine! Understand?!"

"Me and Connie love each other!"

"Ha, he loves! Do you know how much he had such "loved ones"? That's it. You do not know."

"You don't know anything about him!"

"We have been friends since six years old!" I minted, going up to my sister in a dense and looking at her pointedly. "I know him better than I know you. So shut up, and don't you dare to communicate with him any more, got it?!"

Gods, how I wanted to kiss her. Just dig into her full lips, which are now trembling.

A second later my head jerked because of a severe slap in the face.

"And now you listen! Another word in my direction and I'll go to Lauren's dad and tell him everything about you!"

I rubbed my cheek and grinned.

"Good luck. They do not communicate. He will not listen to you."

"We will see!"

"We will see!" I yelled and left the living room.

Rising to my room and closing the key, I forcefully hit the door with my foot.

Bitch! Connie, you fucking dick!

I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed a friend's number.

"Did you sleep with her?" I blurted out as soon as I heard friend's "Hello".

"With whom?"

"Don't be so stupid. With my sister."

"No," Connie yawned. "The last two days I've only slept with a pillow."

"Is it true?"

"Of course it's true! I will not touch your sister before our wedding with her."

"Before what?" I asked dazedly.

"Before our wedding. She did not tell you? I made your sister an offer yesterday. I fell in love, Arthur. I fell in love with your sister. Forgive me."

Broken 3 (Lauren Cimorelli Story) (BOOK 3)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora