Chapter 9: Part 1

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                                   (Next Morning 7:00)


       I woke up and all I smelt was food....BACON....the thing I noticed was the way I was laying I was sideways with Jonathan on my side poking me on my stomach. "Good morning kid you hungry?" I said putting him on the bed so I could sit up. He nodded his head. "Lets change you first," I walked to the dresser with his clothes for when I babysit him. I grabbed a yellow shirt with a green Nike check and green shorts."There now we go eat," he got off the bed and walked to the stairs. He scooted down the stairs while I held his hand.
  We made it to the bottom and he walked to the kitchen. There were two piles of bacon. "Yumm," Jonathan said I laughed "Here you go," I said pulling him up on one of the chairs. "Whats this for?" I said asking Nana "Nadyas coming over at 7:00 I checked the time "DING, DONG!" I went to open the door "Hey girl hows it going?" I asked her while she walked in. "Fine," she jumped on the couch and turned on the t,v

'And this is E News! Hows it going My name is Sarah Roscoe and today I am talking to about Liam James Payne from One Direction. So yesterday around Midnight Pictures were taken, It was Liam and an unidentified Girl we have never seen before.

There was a picture of me and Liam

'The Thing was though there was a baby in the basket with them....While they were buying a car seat, Now the baby wasn't so small maybe 1 or 2 years old? Then there is another Suprising picture were the girl is holding the kid and Liam wrapping his jacket around the boy then drove away in the girls car. 

You could defiantly say I was Shocked.

"Whats going on between the 2, and what about Sophia, Liams new Girlfriend?" 

I called Liam. 


Z: Did you see it?

L: Yep

Z: What are you going to do?

L: Tell them its not true it's your sister son

Z: Good*Sigh of relief*

L: I won't tell them your name...

Z: kk well I have to go to work 

L: Ok I might stop by...

Z: Kk



       After she called me I kept getting things on Twitter. "Who is she, Is he your baby, Did you finally brake up with Sophia!!??" I got a message from Sophia.


Sophia: Just tell me none of its true and we don't have to fight...

Liam: None of it's real were just friends the baby is her sisters but shes in a coma:)

Sophia: Thank God Thats sweeeettt whats her name and the kids..

Liam: Zoe and Jonathan 

Sophia: Cute and sorryy I forgot you were staying in Houston for like a year right?

Liam: Its ok gtg got to tell everybody whats going on, on Twitter..

Sophia: Bye luv you:)

Liam: Bye


Thank geezness she didn't do anything. I would have gotten in trouble with Modest!. I put my phone on the coffee table and turned on E News! it already had my tweet as breaking news.

 'Breaking News Liam just confirmed the girl is just a friend and the Boy is her sisters but she is in the Hospital. So he was helping the Mystery Girl take care of the Little Boy, so no worries Sophiam Shippers, Sophia and Liam are still together and there is no baby,

For some reason hearing 'just a friend' and 'mystery girl' made me upset and angry. She is none of those to me though maybe I'm 'just a friend to her' but to me I want to get to know her more, she is not the mystery girl her name is Zoe Simmons but if anyone knew that Modest would do something to me and her and she would end up getting hurt. I.HATE.MODEST.MANAGEMENT. was all I could think.

  I couldn't eat after I saw the Breaking News! 'just a friend' and 'mystery girl' I felt a pang in my chest it really hurt but I ignored it cause I knew it was coming. I hugged Jon (Jonathan) "See you later little guy" I said to him "Peace out" Nadya said giving him a high five "You've already corrupted a 1 year old geeze Nadya your a pro" I smirked at her she did the same back "Of course I'm a pro" She said buckling in her seat belt.
  I drove to Starbucks after picking up Cooper. "Ready for this 8:30 to 1:00 in the after noon," I said getting out of the car. "Yep I'm so ready" He said in a screechy girls voice I walked up and unlocked the door. We walked to the back and got everything started. I decided to wear what I fell asleep in because I got distracted and didn't have any time. My black sweats a plain Grey loose t-shirt and black converse with my hair in a loose ponytail. Nadya wore her long blue sleeved shirt and black skinny jeans with her black vans. Her hair was braided to the side. *EXTRA* Cooper being the boy he is wore sweats and his Texas Longhorn Jacket*

   Then we started to work. Till 10:00a.m it was normal when it hit around 1:00 it got busier and time flew by rushing around everywhere. It was now 1:30 p.m. "I think we should go home now guys," Cooper said "Yeah me to," We all got our stuff and put our aprons on the rack. I am surprised Liam didn't come by to 'talk' about the  'news'. He probably noticed it wasn't important anymore so he didn't stop.
  We walked to the car, out of nowhere Louis & Niall popped out of now where "Hey what y'all doing today?" we all looked at each other "Sleep" "Niall made in Are-you-SERIOUS-face "Long day of work?" Louis asked" We all nodded. Wayyy to long was what I thought. "Maybe some movies and Ice Cream?" I said shrugging. "Ooh, movies and Ice Cream, can we come" him and Louis made there oh so adorable faces at me. "I guess," I said.
  We got home after the boys picked up Harry,Liam, and Zayn. "Welcome to Zoe's parents house," Nadya and Nana said I went up to Nana "Hows Jonathan?" I said "He was good, I put him him down for his nap about 30 minutes ago," I nodded my head . Then headed towards my room. I climbed up the stairs slowly when I got there I slowly opened my door. He was sitting up watching Spongbob. "Hey Jonathan," he looked up. He pointed to the t.v "Sponbob," I smiled at him "You wanna come down here with him and watch Woody and Buzzlightyear?" he nodded and started clapping his hands. "Ok come on," I took the sheet off him and then put him on my side.
  I turned the tv off and walked out the door. I put Jonathan in the middle of the floor with his trucks. "Shii--Znit" I didn't mean to almost say that I swear only when im stressed or tired. I went outside real quick and found Nadya "I forgot his bed and I need to go get it and maybe some other stuff can you and everybody else help take care of Jonathan?" she nodded "Of course, take Niall with you, your gonna need help loading and unloading the stuff," all I did was nod and went to go find the Irish boy.


I am extremely sorry for not updating in a while I lost my notebook with the story I know excuses excuses but im trying here...anyways I will try to update as fast as I can.... hope you like this chapter vote and comment if you like


                                                                                              Zoe  xoxoxo

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