Chapter 4- Creaky and Sneaky(P 1/2)

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It didn't take long for them to settle in the mansion. Jack had already put an enderchest down in the living room.
Every step they took resulted in a loud creak- the wooden planks were old and some of them had broke. There was a big hole on the ground at the front entrance- leading to who knows where. Everyone was excited- well, maybe not Lukas, but there couldn't be anything dangerous, right? Maybe a homeless man- but that's un likely. Maybe a zombie or two- who would know?
Sometimes you'd walk into a room you hadn't explored- and a strong gush of cold wind would hit you, thank the broken windows.
Creepy sounds galore- every now and then you'd hear thumps or a door creak open- but then again, wind.

Jack had already left to explore the Mansion- to map it out. The others; Lukas, Jesse, and Petra had stayed behind at the living room, and tried to start a fire. After a few minutes of trial and error, a fire would start. It was small- but it'd do for now. Jack eventually came back after what seemed like an hour. Petra was bored- and looked for something to do.
"Are the preparations done already? I can't stand sitting here doing nothing." Petra groaned- staring at Jesse.
"Petra- we had to wait for Jack. He and Nurm had to map out the mansion so that we wouldn't get lost." Jesse had replied- "We can't go on an adventure and get lost."
"But that's what makes adventure fun!"
Lukas rolled his eyes- walking to the fireplace and sitting down. Why has he agreed to this again? Oh well- no turning back now. He stared at the enderchest, before looking back at the fire. He had no idea what to do.
Jack and Nurm were finishing up their maps- so everyone still had time to prepare.
Then- a loud thump- sort of like a jump- was heard. It came from above them. Everyone froze- and looked up. Nothing else was heard. Maybe they were imagining things? Everyone looked at each other- everyone having the same confused look on their face.
"Maybe that was a bat-." Jesse said, before getting interrupted by Petra.
"Ooorrr maybe an intruder!" Petra jumped up-
"Come on now- we've got to be careful. Maybe something just fell down.." Lukas responded. Everyone muttered something- before going back to whatever they were doing. Petra would sharpen her blade- Jesse would be playing with an old candle- and of course, Jack and Nurm would be finishing up the maps. Lukas exhaled.
Wonder how our stay will go.
(Oof! Super sorry for the delay! I forgot about wattpad- and I haven't been able to get on it! Here's a short chapter!)

(Thank you all for your patience!)

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