Activty 2!

286 10 96

Hewo! Want more marshmallows? Another
Activity for you! Just to let you know, The Tag Fest is now closed! Please don't comment on that chapter or tag anyone. Okay!

If you give me a shoutout, you earn 2,000 Marshmallows! If you are going to give me a shoutout, please tag me in the chapter!

10 Points is 5,000 Marshmallows
This is a Limited Offer! Soon this chapter will close and this offer won't be available! If you want to buy Marshmallows with Points, please go to the Marshmallows Chapter :3

If you are interested in doing art for Marshmallows, this offer is for you! Each fullbody must be colored. Each fullbody you you do, you will earn 600 Marshmallows. If you are interested, tell me in the comments and I will tag you an OC!

Okay! Bai bai now :3

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