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The little girl walked out of her room. She scavenged the orphanage looking for something to do while carrying her year old little sister.

The little girl walked over to the library. The orphanage was a pretty rich and popular place so it was able to afford a lot of extra things. But the girl quickly realized that the library was her favorite. She's only been here for a week, but every single day she found herself reading countless books while taking care of her sister. Each seemed to unlock a new world to be in. A better world to be in.

She sat down on one of the couches in a less populated area with her sister and books.

As she was about to open the first one, the librarian came by her. The old lady sat down next to her, a warm smile on her face. Her skin was pale and full of wrinkles, her hair a silvery grey. Her eyes were silver like her hair and showed her wisdom and knowledge. The librarian was a kind and gentle woman with a mature, yet childish heart and noticed the little girl was the same.

"Hello there." her silk-like voice greeted.

"Hi.", the shy girl softly smiled.

"You seem to be very interested in books, aren't you? I see you here every day."

She nodded. "Yes, I really love reading. It was something that my parents and I used to do before they passed away."

Despite being only seven, the girl was extremely aware and mature about a lot of things. The librarian had noticed this before while overhearing a conversation she had with another child here.

"You must be very sad about your parents not being here."

"Well, I am but at least I still have Molly." she looked at the small baby on her lap, fast asleep.

The librarian learned another thing about the child while talking, her optimism. She never really saw the girl upset. Instead, the girl seemed to have adjusted quickly and looked to the brighter side of things.

"You really are a calm soul, aren't you?"

"Mhm. I've never really been that mischievous."

"Say, I actually have a book with me that I think you might be very interested in." the librarian said as she pulled out a book from her side-bag. The book was full of dust and worn out on the edges. 

The History Of Humans and Monsters

"Monsters? I thought they were fake."

"No, my dear, they are very real. But most humans tend to want to forget their mistakes. This happens to be one of them."

The two of them read the book together. The girl seemed to be really intelligent and constantly brought up questions that the librarian did not have answers to.

"The book doesn't really say why the war happened, though. Why's that?"

"I don't know, my dear. No one really knows why it happened. Just that it did. All I know is that humans were the ones who attacked first, and after the war monsters were the ones who got banished to the underground. The poor innocent souls."


"If monsters didn't make any mistakes, why didn't anyone free them again?"

"I don't know. Probably because not many people know about them. This is a very old book."

"Well, if no one else is gonna do it, I will. It can't be too hard, can it?"

The old woman laughed.

"You are a funny child, my dear. It is not as simple as that. But, perhaps, maybe you might be the one to free them. You never know where life takes you."

"I can always try."

The librarian smiled.

"You sure can. By the way, what's your name, my child?"


"Well, Frisk, one thing's for sure...

You are filled with determination..."

Author: WOOP WOOP IT'S OUT PEEPS. Man it feels good to be writing again. But yeah, hope you guys enjoyed the prologue of the fanfic. I am SO excited to show you guys what's coming. It's basically gonna follow the game, but I do change and add new things here and there. Welp that's it. Also listen to the music while you read this, it's so relaxing xdddd AUTHOR OUT! *dabs*

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