part 2

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yona and the others prepare to leave but yona feel something feels off but suddenly yona remembered the things she did when hak questions him yona pulled hak on the forest 

''sorry''yona said 

''about what''hak

''before i ..''yona was cut off by hak holding her mouth 

footsteps sounds near 

''how leave youre guards away hime san''the girl said

''you!!''hak said and swing the glaive 

the girl smirk and pulling her katana the both of them attack each other with speed but the girl was targeting yona hak was defending yona but  she was to fast yona's bow and arrow didnt match her 

''rina!!''hak said pulling the attention 

hak pulled yona away but a dead end cliff  cover the way 

''rina jump on yona who was targetting her making yona almost fall shinha and zeno sense yona was in danger 

hak was bussy with rina there were also more kai troops came who was attacking hak

''hak''yona said falling on the cliff 

''yona''hak said loosing his attention rina strike with full force destroying the glaive it broke to two one half was together in yona's fall hakj's blood also yona was scared 

''someone''yona said but jaeha jump and carry him 

yona was unconcious and hak was unknown if it was still alive arrows fly on yona and jaeha but the other dragons protect her

''dont hak scream at rina who was targeting yona with a pisonous arrows rina slashed hak 


''that redhead has great luck''rina


hak close his eyes

''hak!!''yona said when she woken 

yoon and others fell sad and cant say a word

''hes dead''zeno said with serious look

yona and the others came back on the cliff hak's body was no where  but his broken glaive yona hold the sword and cry regreting not noticing hak who was always been staying on his side 

''hak you...baka!!!!''yona scream

yona and the others battle the for the throne yona was assisted by the wind tribe also water,fire and provinces yona was begged by people for Su won's life yona arrested Su won and put him to the jail alone

three years later 

yona wa soon to be coronated as a queen yoon become his councilor the four dragons live in the palace and following yona

to be continued

A hak's pastTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon