no te amo

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what is it like to love someone who doesn't love you back?

alexa sighed and curled up near her locker.

"alexa, play despacito!" john laughed as he loomed over her small body.

"stop it," she could feel her tears streaming down her eyes. "please."

john nudged his buddy and kneeled down to alexa, "why?"

she didn't want to look at him. she had loved him, but he never felt the same. how could she be in love with someone like him? she needed to take care of things.

john chuckled, knowing she wouldn't provide him with an answer, "alexa, play despacito. do you not know the words? DESPACITO, quiero respirar tu cuello despacito, deja que te diga cosas al oído, para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo --" 


john stopped smiling and looked at the small girl, "or what?"

"this," she removed her costume.

it was mark zuckerberg!

mark used his laser eyes to zap john and his friends to oblivion.  good job mark!

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