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Harrison looks at the ask "o h"
- Timeskip -
Nerris walked over to Harrison "Harri, any recent asks"
ok now its time to flirt Harrison, F L I R T, at least attempt to Harrison thought to himself dont mess this up, now GO
Nerris tilts her head "Harri you ok"
Harrison takes Nerris's hand and attemts to charm her "Nerri, in a garden of people your the red tulip out of all the pink ones"
Nerris tilts her head "Harrison did you hit your head on a rock, your makeing 0 sense"
Harrison sighs "i got an ask to test my flirting skills on you, that was one of the best ones i made up"
Nerris chuckles "well you certently failed, that wasn't even a flirt"
"what about this one" Harrison thinks for a bit "I need a map"
Nerris tilts her head "why?"
Harrison leans in more "since i keep getting lost in your eyes"
Nerris face turns red "wait...didn't you get that off the internet"
Harrison slowly nods "yeah its a populer flirt, and its good when i have 0 flirting skills"
Nerris smiles "well... it worked fine...."
Harrison then realizeing how close it got and turned all red "w e l l" he pushes away "that happened"
Nerris looked down and nodded "yup"

( i spent too much time on this one )

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